- Eating small and often, seriously I need to eat all the time like every 3 hours - if I don't I start feeling a bit faint and grouchy it's all about choosing the right things in the right amount
- Eating and being full and feeling full doesn't mean you have to be fat
- Porridge is a super food (low GI, high fibre, cheap, easy, TASTY what more could you ask for?)
- Being aware of the caloric value of food and reading the back of packs is valuable (counting calories isn't). For example 2 packets of instant noodles can appear identical but one brand has twice the calories of the other on account of being pre-fried... little things like that are good to know!
The Bad
- Eating out of habit. Hehe I do this all the time - especially at work. I play games with myself. "You are allowed a chocolate biscuit but only if you guess the type of biscuit is open today", "you are allowed a shrewsbury if the one with the heart is on top"
- Eating because things are there. I also do this a lot especially with raspberry licorice. I buy a two pack intending to eat one piece but the other one always disappears as well! Magic! Stupid licorice people who don't sell single packs!
- Eating in the car. This is a new bad habit of mine - I thought I'd try being one of those people with a packet of munchies in the glove box for emergencies - not such a good idea Mindy. Soon I found myself stopping in at the petrol station/supermarket just to buy something to munch on every time I got behind the wheel.
- Counting Calories. Not only is this boring, but it can start a slippery slope towards being obsessive about food, and in the worst cases anorexia :-( Lets face it, it takes a hell of a lot of time and food weighing to do it properly and it does basically take over your life. The amount of time I spent calculating what I could afford to eat, and what would get me the most full with my allowance I would dearly love to have back to put to better use. Lets not go there everyone, lets just be sensible and not pig out.
- Eating at night. Ah so tempting after dinner to sit down in front a movie with a great big snack of some kind. But not so kind on our bodies. You don't need to fuel up to sleep - in fact your metabolism slows down overnight so most of what you eat in the few hours leading up to bed just sits there in your stomach not being digested till morning. Gross! Waking up feeling slightly hungry is much better.
The Ugly
- Eating spoonfuls of jam. I've been there, I've done that. It starts off when I feel like something sweet. Not being a household that stocks biscuits jam on toast comes to mind, but then do I really want toast? It takes so long to cook and I'm not really hungry, ah! I know! I'll just have a wee spoonful of jam. Yup I've eaten jam straight out of the jar!
spoonfuls of peanut butter. straight out of the jar. especially the extra crunchy type. hey- I'm a vego, I need the protein!
Wow, jam out of the jar. I am so going to pay attention to your food/health posts. I have never had food issues, but kinda feel that I might head down that path if im not careful.
Yum porridge, but i always feel hungry again less than two hours later.
Porridge should fill you up more than other cereals. But when I was pregnant I found this too - easy solution have porridge AND toast :-) Hehe. Or add yummy stuff to your porridge like fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts.
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