Well... it finally happened. Bloody took it's time though. Many of you might know the two questions I asked Darren before agreeing to give him my phone number were:
1) Do you drive?
2) Do you hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
The second question being of special importance because I personally have a special bond with their music, you may even say I am a "fan". And like I've also mentioned here music has played such important role at times of my past, especially the Red Hot Chili Peppers music that it would just be impractical for me to be with someone who couldn't stand listening to it. So mostly it's just a practicality issue.
Happily Darren didn't hate the Chili Peppers.
So we start going out, I get a little idea of what his tastes are... not too bad, a big Soundgarden fan, well gotta respect that. So when we've been going out quite awhile and I decide to make a nice gesture and start getting into Soundgarden a little, buy one of their albums, check out their videos etc. Without wanting to push anything too much I make him a mix cd of some Chilis song I think he'll like. But it doesn't play in his car. So that idea was thwarted.
I let things sit for a few more months. Then after we've been together for about year I buy him the Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication CD. Now Darren was not over the moon to get this CD, understandably I think he felt a lot of pressure to listen to it and love it. So after mentioning a couple of times that he should put it in his car and he still doesn't I just drop the matter.
Then out of the blue of his own accord a few weeks ago he puts the CD in his car and starts listening to it. This is about 9 months after I got it for him. Now I have learnt just not to pressure him, so I don't even act very interested when I hear he's got it in his car. Then a week later he's wanting to talk to me about his favourite songs off the album (Easily and Right On Time, good choices), then over the weekend he asks me if he can borrow another one of their albums! I mention he might find Anthony's biography an interesting read as well, and get a positive response from him! Woo! Something exciting has started here!
So it took it's time. But I maintain everyone love the Red Hot Chili Peppers most people just don't know it yet.
Love from Little Miss Mindy
ps Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the best movie ever! More on that on Monday :-)
Good morning Nick and Adam and everyone else.
Haha the thing I think is funny is you actually spelt it right Nick.
Regardless I resent the implication!
Good luck Amy!!
(She's doing her economic honours presentation at 11.30 - Kirsty, Andrew, Darren and I watched it last night it was excellent, although I didn't really understand a single thing in it. Well actually I did a little it was about peasants and birth rates and tax rates and she said a lot about the subsistance level too.)
my honours presentation
fun times
basically i was showing that because peasants could pick their family size which affected their production they could influence the tax rate set by the Lord
what does that word verification thing achieve minnie?
It means people can't put blog spam on my blog. Even though I know Andrew loves it, it's very annoying
i feel like they am testing to see if i am commenting drunk
I miss triglycerides
I'm very nervous and I can't figure out why...
Impending moon!
I have to provide my own spam now:
Todays Quote: loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven't got the guts to bite people themselves
Dialup got you down?
Is your internet to slow or dragging you down??
Is your internet too slow or do you get too many popup ads?
or are you constantly getting disconnected?
your not alone, let us help
Not a dialup user...no problem http://bdlr.clicknsave15.info/r/
Haven't got the guts to bite people themselves?!!!!?
a guy in my class just acused a lecturer of being a drug addict in the middle of his presentation man it was funny
verification word knyse
Thats all I have to say.
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