I didn't post yesterday. Did anyone notice... I'm guessing yes.... but I'm not sure anyone really cared. But that's a-ok!
Anyway isn't this picture funny? It takes a second to figure out what's wrong though, but once you do... classic! My Mum sent it to me. It's pretty cool because now Mum's on email at her new school so I get emails from her quite a lot.
So I don't have much to report except for....
This is a photo of Kirsty that I'm sure she wants published over the internet. I didn't exactly ask her permission... but she never forbid me. So that's pretty much the same thing. So it's Kirsty's birthday today so I'm very very very very excited. This is the first time I've ever had a flatmate who has had a birthday! (This may seem a very interesting fact, but not so much when you realise that KIrsty and Andrew are the only flatmates I've ever had and Kirsty's birthday is now and Andrews November. So anyway). Today is going to be a great day because it's Kirsty's birthday. And we're going out for tea! Yay!
Also this weekend is Rach and Greg's house warming. So that'll be fun! It's nice having friends that are both mine and Darren's. Like I love Darren's friends and get on really well with them, but sometimes he needs time with them without me there which is understandable, and often when I'm catching up with my friends it's nice if he's not there so we don't have to feel bad about talking about you know "old times". But yeah Rach has been my friends for AGES, and Greg is Darren's boss so it'll be a good night.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Oh thanks for caring Adam :-) I'm sorry you were distraught.
I'm so tired today, I had such a busy day yesterday. Plus my eyes keep watering which is somewhat annoying... oh well!
happy birthday kirsty
Well my chair just broke... and I was all depressed thinking, this is going to be the worst day ever! but I fixed it! And I only got a little bit of grease on my hands :-)
Happy birthday booger face.
My present - best every.
Booger face said so.
I win.
Is it a competition? That's pretty mean considering you know how hard I tried, and how stressed I was!
Life is a competition Mindy.
The consequence of losing is death.
Well I had nightmares about Kirsty's present last night (seriously). I guess they were justified.
No! Your present is fine.
Kirsty loves stuff.
As long as it is stuff, she will like it.
For all those programmers out there I had a thought.
How easy would it be to write a program for a mouth to prevent people biting their own tongue. I believe it would be real easy, just everytime the jaws were about to clamp down check the position of the tongue and see if it conflicts with the path of the teeth.
How come the human brain with all it's complexities doesn't have this as a built in instinct! I reckon it's stupid.
ps I bit my tongue and it hurts!
The program would be easy, but installation would be a nightmare.
so I sent my supervisor something 8 weeks ago and he is yet to respond to it.
I sent another lecturer something yesterday (he knows all about my supervisor) and he has just given in back to me full of comments.
Isn't funny how some people don't have time for you even though they are paid to and others aren't paid and yet are so willing to help?
Not all university lecturers are jerks.
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