Here are some interesting things for you:
- This is ugliest car I have ever seen in real life that actual people own, I saw someone driving it on the way to work yesterday and by gum it was bad. It looks worse in real life trust me:

This car also has a silly name... mutipla... what the hell does that mean? Does anyone know?
I walked to work this morning, for the first time ever it took me a solid 40 minutes. I'm going to experiment with my route on the way home, see if I can knock it down to 35.Andrew wants to do Willy Wonka (see yesterday's comments).A hippopoutmus can run faster than a man, I'm assuming faster than a woman as well but my source didn't specify.There are now only two member of the ulong tribe in survivor so they will have to merge next week, unless of course one of them agrees to vote for themself! Haha as if!In standard 4 we had elections for a class president and Rebecca Hanson and I agreed we'd vote for each other, but she didn't she voted for herself and I lost the election by 1 vote! Although I don't think it was her who won, but still...A snail can sleep for three years!Have a nice day!
Love from Little Miss Mindy
Yes I am! I wondered if you would drive past... and good judgement call I was walking on purpose!
I have just had discussions with Earl and we've planned a much quicker route for my journey home again so lets see how that goes!
Can you believe it? That bastard ignored my strongly worded email! Now I am angry amy
I think you need to talk to the Head of Department, or maybe another lecturer who is supervising honours students. Or is there an honours coordinator?
Does anyone else agree that almost without exception lecturers are some of the most unprofessional people that walk the earth?
I think the problem stems down to:
1) They lack real consequences for poor performance.
2) They are condition to not respect students during undergrad, so carry it to post.
3) Personally, they think quite highly of themselves, as they are often experts in their field.
4) They can gloss over the awkward difficulties that make up 90% of working life.
Some have really annoyed me, especially comp sci.
He just emailed me, but still hasn't sent me the stuff but I guess that kinda makes me happy amy again becuase he did apologise.
i guess i will send him my presentation too (since he did ask- i wasn't going too)
Did he grovel?
And Andrew I agree some lecturers are like that, but at Canty I guess we were lucky as there were several lecturers who were really good, really helpful, accessible, going out of their way to help students out - my supervisor included.
And Adam you're probably happy because you've been to the gym twice this week, and exercise makes you happy.
no adam it is the weather. my romans took their first walk out of the wardrobe today :)
no grovelling no, he just said he had read it which is not different to what he said a month ago!
Also my team is planning a trip into town today to find German Porn.
one more sleep
one more sleep
one more sleep
one more sleep
one more sleep
this is probably going to be my last summer for 5 years. how sucky is that?
I missed summer for 2 years, but 5 is excessive. You will have to go on topical holidays in the bits inbetween to make up for it.
I have never missed summer. I love summer.
Don't go away for 5 whole years that's too long Amy! You'll miss me and Mum and Dad and Claire and Becky so much! Like Becky will forget who you are!
Never heard of her.
Thanks Nick that clears it up. So it goes something like this:
Man : denotes species as a whole
Woman : denotes the female gender of the human species
Assface: denotes the male gender of the human species? Haha!
Actually cheer up Nick, I wasn't trying to make a feminist stand in my post, just trying to be funny. When I grow up I want to be a comic genius. I know I know I'm a long way away, that's why I must practise!
Yes it is! Do you have a question? Nick probably doesn't if he's in an angry mood.
Ok I'll answer that at lunchtime!
Amy what do you plan on doing for your next 5 summers that is taking you away from NZ? And why won't you have summers over wherever you are instead?
I'm a little confused.
Hey Nick........
Guess what - it's Wednesday! And past midday! This means you are over halfway through the week, and the weekend, with all its exciting possibilities is so close! Also, you've got a whole evening tonight and you could do ANYTHING with it at all! Isn't that exciting! Personally, I think I will cook tea, write a few letters, read, perhaps write in my diary, and attend Hindi lessons. I might also update my recipe book.
On another note - Mindy, you know when I was down there you had a letter to post to me, well it hasn't arrived yet.. is it still lost in your car or are you saving posting it for a later occasion or did the NZ Post eat it? Or my mailbox? Or something? Because I'm sure in my previous letter I had important questions that I want answers to.
Also my font on your site - in fact, all font on your site, is huge today. Is this your or is it me? (shades of Shortland St... maybe)
Hi Lara, just you, I haven't changed anything.
Also the letter has migrated back to my dresser it's just sitting there patiently waiting for me to post it.
But I didn't answer the only question I can think of, I forgot to put it in the letter and remembered after I'd sealed it. The question was what did you give me for Christmas not last year but the year before, and the answer was the Red Hot Chili Peppers underwear!
Oh I totally remember that now!!! Thanks for that. I hate gaps in my memory.
Do you think it's one of those new bluebird chips with the fancy flavours that come in those white packets? They are yummy!
Oh that's lucky I'm good at pancake related questions. Mmmm pancakes...
Oh I highly doubt it, if anything that would help.
Maybe it's because he doesn't like the Chili Peppers and well that's whack.
Whack is a truly wonderful word, so versatile. Boink, zap and pound are also good words.
i think i prefer tuppence to pound (word wise)
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