This is the cake Andrew and I made Kirsty for her birthday. Isn't it wonderful?
Anyway Kirsty's birthday was fun. We went to Cobb & Co and got kiddies cocktails and Cobb Crunchies.
On Saturday I got sunburnt! Yeah I know! Suburnt! Anyway then I started feeling sick, I've been sniffly for days but I started feeling really rotten so we didn't make it to Rach and Greg's house warming which was sad. Darren has been really sick for awhile, but on Saturday night and Sunday was the sickest I've seen him. But the silly boy said he wasn't going to take today off work because he felt he'd already had enough days off. I don't think he has actually because his year started May and he hasn't had that many since May. But anyway I hope he did take a day off because he really needs it.
Also I'm back staying at home while Mum and Dad and Claire are away to keep Amy company. This is great because I can have a heater on just before I go to sleep :-) Plus it's nice to see Amy lots.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Hi Chris!
So I did't have a chance to read the blog on friday since I had meetings in the morning and then I left at 12 to go to the dog show. Thanks for the birthday wishes though! I'm glad only the top half of the nurse photo was published...
My birthday was fantastic. Thanks for my belt Mindy! I love it. It has so many holes! I am going to wear it for the first time tomorrow when my jeans will hopefully be dry. Also thanks to the Marshalls for my fantastic RED colander (also with holes!). I used it last night and it was great.
Also the cake....well it has to be the BEST cake ever! It is very handy to know that a standard kitty litter tray will fit in the fridge.
Hi Chris, hi Kirsty!
Wow what a busy morning I've had. I actually can't believe it's already 11.43, lunchtime soon!
hi people!
how is everyone today?
Also I'm embarking on a money-making enterprise. But I won't tell anyone what I've done until it's actually successful and I'm rich. And by rich I mean make $30.
Oh ok I'll tell you Amy tonight, but no one else.
ok minnie mouse
i have things to tell you tonight too. And no one else.
do you watch desperate housewives?
see if you can get some wire so we can make earrings during it.
errr what was that?
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