Thursday, September 29, 2005
Don't have much to write. It's Amy's birthday tomorrow! The big 21! Happy Birthday for tomorrow Amy! And today marks the end of my week long stay back at home keeping Amy company. It's been a good week, we didn't really even argue at all which is not like us. Apart from me refusing to answer her questions. Also she didn't ask me any this morning!! Well done Ame!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I really don't work with many people so I thought I'd do them all at once! In order of who I have most contact with:
Earl: Earl is another Canterbury graduate, he started a few months after me, and lives in the office next door to mine. My job changed dramatically once he started as I had someone nice to talk to! We always go and ask each other first when we get stuck on something, and also if we're really bored. Earl is from a farm near Nelson somewhere well that's where his Mum lives, and I don't know much more about him and he's good to talk to about movies etc.
Colin: Is my manager. He's really nice. I don't know how old he is, Earl's the only one who I have any idea about really. Colin is going to England with me, and he's from England orignally. He's extremely atheletic, apparently a very good runner, and he lives in Rangiora and occasionally bikes in from there. Colin has a very cute family, a wife and two set of twin girls! Very blonde ones!
Pieter: Is new to my team but old to Jade. He's in the office of the other side of me. Again I have no idea how old he is, they're all about 35-50 I think. Except Shiree, I know she's in her very early 30s as she had a birthday shout. Anyway Pieter is also very nice and is also a great runner. I should try and get some running tips from them!
Graeme: Graeme and I were the only ones on this floor in our team for awhile, so when I started he was the lucky one who was continually harrassed by me trying to learn jade, but he was very helpful. He's a great programmer and always has good advice. Graeme has a very cute new baby girl, and he's really into sports, the ones I know of are mountain biking, paddling (not sure if it's canoes or kayaks) and extreme skiing. Oh Graeme is also quite funny and has a great laugh!
Shiree: Shiree is another girl! Yay! Shiree is lovely, and very helpful. She's also sporty... it seems everyone in our team is! I think she plays netball, I remember her limping around on a sprained ankle due to a netball injury sometime ago.
Simon: Is downstairs with Shiree, Colin and Victor. Simon also loves Stargate (!!!) and he's shared the whole first season of Stargate Atlantis with me. Simon is very clever (in my opinion) and he has a new(ish) wife and their wedding photos looked beautiful! Also I find Simon hilarious! He's always making funny jokes in our meetings and cracking us all up!
Victor: Victor has been on our team for awhile, but working on a different project to me so I haven't worked with him too much. But he is very nice.
There you go Lara!
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Monday, September 26, 2005
I started noticing it while we were making earrings last night. Now you all know me, I'm not actually a jeweller by trade, and I haven't even made more than one pair of earring before. However, despite the fact that Amy has a head on her shoulders at least as good as mine she ran everything past me before doing it, and asked me how to do everything! I don't know! I just make it up as I go along! It's not rocket science!
This morning I reached my breaking point, I know it didn't take long. And when she asked me whether or not she should put her earrings on before biking to uni, or once she got to uni, or during the day at uni I snapped. I am now not answering any of her questions. Sorry Ame, you're a smart girl, you can figure these things out for yourself! Love you though...
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Sunday, September 25, 2005
This is the cake Andrew and I made Kirsty for her birthday. Isn't it wonderful?
Anyway Kirsty's birthday was fun. We went to Cobb & Co and got kiddies cocktails and Cobb Crunchies.
On Saturday I got sunburnt! Yeah I know! Suburnt! Anyway then I started feeling sick, I've been sniffly for days but I started feeling really rotten so we didn't make it to Rach and Greg's house warming which was sad. Darren has been really sick for awhile, but on Saturday night and Sunday was the sickest I've seen him. But the silly boy said he wasn't going to take today off work because he felt he'd already had enough days off. I don't think he has actually because his year started May and he hasn't had that many since May. But anyway I hope he did take a day off because he really needs it.
Also I'm back staying at home while Mum and Dad and Claire are away to keep Amy company. This is great because I can have a heater on just before I go to sleep :-) Plus it's nice to see Amy lots.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Thursday, September 22, 2005
I didn't post yesterday. Did anyone notice... I'm guessing yes.... but I'm not sure anyone really cared. But that's a-ok!
Anyway isn't this picture funny? It takes a second to figure out what's wrong though, but once you do... classic! My Mum sent it to me. It's pretty cool because now Mum's on email at her new school so I get emails from her quite a lot.
So I don't have much to report except for....
This is a photo of Kirsty that I'm sure she wants published over the internet. I didn't exactly ask her permission... but she never forbid me. So that's pretty much the same thing. So it's Kirsty's birthday today so I'm very very very very excited. This is the first time I've ever had a flatmate who has had a birthday! (This may seem a very interesting fact, but not so much when you realise that KIrsty and Andrew are the only flatmates I've ever had and Kirsty's birthday is now and Andrews November. So anyway). Today is going to be a great day because it's Kirsty's birthday. And we're going out for tea! Yay!
Also this weekend is Rach and Greg's house warming. So that'll be fun! It's nice having friends that are both mine and Darren's. Like I love Darren's friends and get on really well with them, but sometimes he needs time with them without me there which is understandable, and often when I'm catching up with my friends it's nice if he's not there so we don't have to feel bad about talking about you know "old times". But yeah Rach has been my friends for AGES, and Greg is Darren's boss so it'll be a good night.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
No Questions Today!
I don't have much to say. Darren came with me to Fen and Klava's last night and we watched survivor and had delicious smoothies. They were great! Also they have an interesting policy at my work that you only need 5 out of 6 lightbulbs going. I was down to 2 out of 6 yesterday and then the lightbulb replacement man came round, and fixed it so I now have 5. Obviously 5 must be good enough. Well it is really, but it's still a bit strange to see most offices only have 5 good bulbs.
Anyway the sun is here today! Woo!
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Monday, September 19, 2005
More Snow Fun!!
This is Kirsty in what can only be described as a "look at me I'm gorgeous" pose.

Kirsty making out with her new boyfriend. And for some reason it looks like she's groping his breasts too.
Awww Kirsty and her friend... who I think needs a name really!
Also Kirsty threw a snowball at me and I was inside and she was outside and it hit me in the eye! I must say it was quite a feat! Also!!! The astute of you may have noticed that O'Neill actually plays the important role in this story as the nose of the snowman! He spent the whole night outside too!
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Snow Round Darren's House
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Also if Adam's pirate talk is confusing or scaring you (toughen up Andrew!) you may like to bear in mind that it is international talk like a pirate day today!

A pretty magnolia outside Earl's office.
Look at my poor wee car! (It's second from the left)
There's nothing like snow to make you realise just how young you really are deep down inside. I'm way to young to sit inside working all day while it's snowing SO much outside and it looks so beautiful and fun to play in!!
Anyway for those of you outside Chch or NZ we have this little system here that just when everyone finally thinks it's spring, and all the wee lambs have been born and all the spring flowers are up then it'll snow tons for one dy or maybe two. And believe me when it only snows for a single day once a year it's pretty bloody exciting really!
Anyway here's a pretty bad picture but you can see some snow on the ground I'll post some more this afternoon too. And poor Darren is sick in bed today he was all feverish and shivering last night, so I hope he feels better over the course of the day.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Gold Star for Nick!
Worth reading while you're there is Adam's election guide, there's currently three very informative parts. :-) Awesome work guys!
Anyway I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. I looked completely different, I think I was like 8 or something, with dark hair. But here's the strange part, I had a huge bald spot on top - just like a man would. So anyway in my dream I was getting ready to go somewhere are trying to do my hair which wasn't looking great due to the bald spot. Anyway I had the bright idea to put it in a pny tail to cover up the bald spot - now this wouldn't work in real life unless you had hair at the front of your head, which I didn't, but this wasn't real life it was a dream and so it worked. Although I had to spend quite some time looking for a bobble.
Anyway had a nice evening last night, my first at home in AGES. I just did lots of work and relaxing and had a bath and it was splendid. Plus Andrew and I had delicious fish and chips for tea. Mmmm.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
More Answers
Because you're such a lazy bugger Nick! Actually because if you have stuff to do and you're not doing it then it feels a lot more like resting, you're having a break (however unneeded and long it may be) from work, just because there's work there to do. If you don't have work you don't really feel like you're having a break.
2. Is golf a sport? (BHN)
Yes. I'm basing this on the fact that generally I'm bad at sport, and I'm bad at golf therefore golf must be a sport.
3. Who really runs the UN? (BHN)
I have my suspicions that it' actually Adam.
4. Who really runs the US for that matter, as GW couldn't run a lift. (BHN)
The go'uld.
5. Why is the ocean blue if the water is colourless? (BHN)
Water is reflective and the sky is blue. So the sea just reflects the sky.
6. Do sheep shrink when it rains? (BHN)
Yes a little.
7. Would there be more water in the ocean if there weren't so many spounges? (BHN)
Well no. The water is in the sponges, and the sponges are in the ocean, so the water is still indirectly in the ocean.
8. The ball is saturday week and is $30, do you still want to go? (BHN)
I still want to go, but unfortunately I've got something on.
9. Would you go as an little angle or devil? (BHN)
Actually I'd go as god.
10. Why are older people so nice, but old people generally so mean? (BHN)
What old people are you talking about? All the old people I know are lovely!
11. What is your favourate hair colour? (BHN)
Dark brown... actually kind of like yours!
12. Have you ever snorted anything? (BHN)
13. Can you do the robot? (BHN)
No, so that probably means it's a sport too!
14. Whats your favourate type of cheese? (BHN)
Edam. (Boring huh?)
15. Why do people like the taste of cheese that smells like puke? (BHN)
Because despite it smellingl ike puke, it doesn't actually taste like puke.
16. What was your best piece of artwork? (BHN)
Possibly the gift I made for Lara for her 21st, it was a sort of book cover thing, made of wood, and it had a stained glass window effect. Hard to describe. I also like the painting I did earlier this year.
17. Have you ever written something that your really proud of and then editted it years later because it was crap? (BHN)
No everything I'd written is awesome! ;-)
18. Is disney an evil multinational? (BHN)
Well they're not evil...
19. Whats your favourate character in hitch hikers guide to the galaxy? (BHN)
20. Who is your favourate person to drink with and why? (BHN)
Don't know, I don't actually drink that much. I guess Darren.
21. Whats the worst thing you have ever said to another living person? (BHN)
Nothing that I'd repeat here!
22. Do vegetables have feelings? (BHN)
Of course!
23. Why do people stay in relationships when they don't particularily like the person they are with? (BHN)
Tons of reasons, sex, companionship, um fear of being alone.
24. Hows your day going? (BHN)
Actually I've been a little down this whole week.
25. I'm starting to think computere programming is boring. Should I quit this profession and join the army? (Adam)
Nah. The army sucks. There's too many guys there, pick a profession where there's a decent number of chicks.
26. Should I join the circus?!! (Adam)
Yes! That's a much better option.
27. Why does Nick smell like a rotten fish? (Adam)
He doesn't actually. It's just that when he's just about to see you he rushes out, grabs his rotten fish, and rubs it all over his body. The reason he does this is because he is quite clearly insane.
28. What is your favourite movie beginning with the letter S? (Adam)
Ummm... errr... tough one...Strictly Ballroom!
29. Does China really have as many people as they claim or are they counting some of the people twice? (Adam)
They really do! I've counted them. Twice. Not as in I counted some of the people and added them to my total twice. But I counted everyone. Then worked out the totaly then went round again to double check.
30. Who do you prefer out of Sean Penn and Sean Bean? (Adam)
Well, I dunno really. Sean Penn is great in movies but I don't think I'd like to meet him in real life, but the same goes with Sean Bean. But Sean Bean is a very cool name so I'm going with that!
31. Why do teenagers wear caps and beanies a lot? (Adam)
Probably to hide zits they've got on their forehead.
32. If you hat a choice between kicking your cat or chopping off one of Nick's fingers, what would you do? (Adam)
1. Why do you think Jonny Depp decided to play an androgenous willy wonka? (BHN)
Because it was an interesting and challenging role, a role his children would be excited and proud of, and because he's damn good at that kind of role! (Eg Ed Wood).
2. Do you think getting a university degree or learning a trade is the better option? (BHN)
Neither is a better option. It depends entirely on the person. Like a University Degree was better for me at the time, and I'm glad I got it, but Darren's doing his building apprenticeship and that's better for him. Also I will probably change careers later in my life and learn a trade then.
3. What is your favourate line(s) from a kiwi song, a pop song, a rock song and a RHCP song? (BHN)
I can't guarantee these are my all-time favourites, more like a snap shot of right now.
Kiwi song: "Let do the time warp again"
Pop song: "All day long I dream about sex, and all night long I think about sex, and all the time I think about sex with you, with you" HAHAHA I love that song!
Rock song: "I'm already cut up and half dead... I'll end up alone like I began..."
RHCP song: So so so so many... but a random one: "Missionary maddness, sweep a culture with a broom, trashing ancient ways, is par for the course, it’s fucking rude"
4. Who would win between John Candy and Marlin Brando in a fight in hell? (BHN)
Well neither would be in hell, but probably Brando just because he's meaner. Well can be meaner...
5. What would your plan be for 15 million dollars if you had won the powerball? (BHN)
Well I don't have a plan. It's hard to know. Most of it would be definitely be put into saving, or invested. Some would definitely be given away to charities and family and friends. My student loan would be paid off. I would buy a new car too. I definitely wouldn't quit work though and I'd try not to improve my lifestyle, but just stick to all the same plans I have now.
6. How does Karma work in your opinion? (BHN)
I'm not sure it does work, as some horrible things happen to such lovely people. My Granddad is one of the sweetest nicest people in the world and he's lost two wives, and now he has cancer... I mean that's one of squillions of examples. I think in general we should all just be as kind as we can, and treat other people the way we want to be treated and if you go through life and are able to do that most of the time then you've done pretty well.
7. Is there a god, and whats your impression of religion in general? (BHN)
Haha well I don't think there's a god, and religion well, um in general I am sickened by the atrocities that have been carried out in the names of organised religions, but at the same time religion has given a lot of people support and hope in times when they have nothing else. So it's not entirely bad.
8. Why am i the only person to ask you questions all the time? (BHN)
Dunno. Maybe you're the only one who is interested in my opinion. Maybe everyone else is too busy working. Adam asked lots of questions today though!
9. What is your favourate non-RHCP song at the moment? (BHN)
Corduroy by Pearl Jam.
10. Who is your favourate singer?(apart from Anthony from RHCP) (BHN)
Oh Anthony isn't my favourite singer, he's my favourite lyricist though. I have so many favourite singers... so many singers I love listening to, but probably my all time favourite is Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin.
11. Whats better School or work? (BHN)
School was great at the time, I wouldn't replace my time at school with anything, but work is great now! Uni was also a struggle but I'm so glad I did it, and wouldn't have done it any different, but I don't think I'll ever go back.
12. If you had to work in a city outside of CHCH which would it be? (BHN)
Umm don't know. Anywhere in New Zealand wouldn't be too bad. Maybe somewhere warmer like Nelson or I guess just anywhere I have friends (like Wellington and Auckland).
13. Does something have to be Phallic to be flaccid? (BHN)
No, I don't think so.
14. Who shot JR? (BHN)
Who is JR?
15. If Oswald was a Pattsy why did Jack Ruby shoot him? (BHN)
Who is Oswald and who is Jack Ruby?
16. Why do seals have a segmented sternum? (BHN)
Probably to help them bend in seal-like ways.
17. Now lets change the fight to the death to between John Goodman and Meatloaf. (BHN)
Meatloaf... coz he's pretty good with a chainsaw in the Rocky Horror show. Or is he the one who's killed with a chainsaw... oh yeah I think he gets killed with a chainsaw. Um still Meatlof tho because he's been to fightclub.
18. Do you find way more people attractive now than when you were a teenager? (BHN)
Nah not really, when I was a teenager I thought 16 year old were attractive, and also older people, now I'm older I don't find 16 year olds attractive anymore.
19. Why is it that mens fashion is boring and ultimately ugly in comparison to womens? (BHN)
Maybe just because no matter how hard they try women will always be the more beautiful creatures, so people have never put as much effort into mens clothing.
20. Do you think men compensate for the apparent lack of good clothing by going to the gym? (BHN)
I guess some do, but tons of women go to gyms as well!
21. Why is it that one smile can make your day?
Because it shows you that humans can be alright and human nature isn't ultimately all screwed up, some people are kind and nice.
22. Why is it that life seems to want to continually kick you in the stomach for weeks on end no matter how optimistic you are that it will all just work out? (BHN)
Not sure Nick, it doesn't happen to me.
23. Who was your favourate Ninja Turtle? (BHN)
24. If you had to cheat on Darren with a member of RHCP who would it be? (BHN)
25. Why is a smile the sexiest thing someone can do? (BHN)
I think because it can say so much, and it can show love, and approval and desire... and this might be silly but a genuine smile can make you feel safe.
26. Why do people change when they get into relationships with certain people and not with others? (BHN)
I guess that's the different nature of different relationships. Some relationships can make people change in good ways (inspire them to be the best they can), some can make people change in bad ways (ie with a dominating bossy partner), and some don't make people change at all. It's just how people react to different personalities.
27. Is it still wrong to laugh at someone else's misfortune even if it's really, really funny? (Adam)
No of course not! Unless they're dead or something like that.
28. What steps should we be taking to prevent the rise of communism in New Zealand? (Adam)
Oh I'm a communist at heart, so I think we should be taking steps to ensure that New Zealand becomes the first communist society in the world that reaches the whole way to the last of Marx's stages of communism (I think there were 5 or 7 stages or something like that), and can successfully operate in today's predominantly capitalist world.
29. How does Santa get into houses without chimneys? (Adam)
Oh he is very good at getting through windows too. He has a reformed burglar that travels round with him, and helps him break into the houses.
30. Why is it you can be in a good or bad mood completely regardless of anything that's actually happened? (Adam)
I think it's to do with chemicals in the brain, or maybe stuff you've been thinking about subconsciously. Plus sometimes if your co-workers are aliens they are using mind-control techniques on you they can influence your mood without you knowing.
31. Walruses? (Adam)
Yes Walruses.
32. I swallowed a really big paper clip when I was seven, do you think it's still there? (Adam)
33. How can I test to see if my co-workers are aliens? (Adam)
Well if I've learnt anything from movies it's that aliens are allergic to water or tiny bacteria, so I think you should fill a glass, spit in it a little then tip it over them. If they survive then they're probably not aliens.
34. I'm feeling a little sad today, why is that? (Adam)
Possibly because you're worried about the fact your co-workers may be aliens.
35. What time of the day is the best time to sneeze? (Adam)
36. I bought some shower gel to take to the gym so I wouldn't have to worry about any soap related shower incidents. But the stuff says it contains extra oxygen and I'm worried that I might be getting too much. How do I know if I'm getting too much oxygen? (Adam)
Easy. Stand up (DO IT!) Now take 10 really deep breaths, in deeply then at the end of the breath breathe in sharply to get as much as you can in, then breath out normally. Doing this 10 times in a row should make you feel at least a little bit weird, maybe a but light headed. If you feel like that after your shower then you're obviously getting too much oxygen and should consider returning to regular shower gel.
37. How come identical twins never look identical? (BHN)
Sometimes they do!
38. Why isn't water blue when its in a cup? (BHN)
Because water isn't blue! (Really Nick! Water is see-through or whatever the techincal term for see through is).
39. Why can't some people appoligies for what they have done wrong? (BHN)
I have NO IDEA! It makes me so mad though! Some people just can't apologise... it's insane. I apologise though, I'm good at it.
40. Why is it that some weeks nothing can phase you and others every little thing pisses you off? (BHN)
Maybe it's your time of the month Nick :-)
41. What is the best way to get to sleep? (BHN)
Thinking about happy things. Falling asleep happy and warm and comfy is the best!
42. Do you think its better to sleep on your sides or on your back/front? (BHN)
I do both... mostly on my side though. When you fall asleep hugging someone the side is the only way to go really.
43. Which side? (or back/front) (BHN)
44. What is your favourate colour and why? (BHN)
Deep red, a purply red. I'm not sure why.... I think it's an attractive colour.
45. What is the difference between politics and a popularity contest? (BHN)
Hmmmm I think you should ask Adam... he's the election expert. Although I'm worried his cynical view of the five parties he's done was influenced strongly by his low mood ;-)
46. Who is the best super hero ever? (BHN)
After seeing Batman begins I'd have to say batman... although he's not really a super hero is he as he doesn't have super powers? In that case i guess superman! The name says it all, plus he was hot.
47. What is your optimal temperature to do work at? (BHN)
This current temperature.
48. Why are women (who are ment to be so much more sensitive than men) so evil? (BHN)
Well men are mean too, but I think what makes women evil and men just mean is that women think and analyse things a lot more than men, so any nasty or manipulative thing appears to be more thought out and purposeful.
49. Which historical figure would you like to fight? (BHN)
No one! I wouldn't like to fight anyone!
50. Whats with you and guys with long hair? (BHN)
It's just sexy ok? Also if a guy can be comfortable enough to display predominantly feminine characteristics (like long healthy hair) and they are straight then that's just shows they are so comfortable with their masculinity and aren't trying to prove anything, and don't feel they have to.
51. What do you think are the qualities of a great teacher? (BHN)
Being able to understand questions. Being able to understand how some concepts are hard to grasp, some skills aren't natural for everyone. Being confident, approachable, friendly.
52. Whats your favourate billy idol song? (BHN)
Hot in the City
53. Do you want to come to the Heaven and Hell ball i'm organising? (BHN)
Yes but it will depend when it is, I'm quite busy over the next month :-)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Ask Mindy Day

Hi guys,
Don't really have much to say today. Just hey, hope you're all well! And here's some funny pictures the first I found on a blog and I thought it was pretty cool, the next one's from Kirsty, the other from Kon (I don't mean to offend anyone by them please don't take them too seriously).
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Monday, September 12, 2005
Hello Everyone!
This is Bradley, Kirsty's cat. You may remember his lewd comments on the blog during it's first few weeks. Anyway he's a very lovely friendly cat. He is also very cute. Especially his wee little paws. This became apparent to me this morning when my door wasn't shut and he came into my room and did his usual route. He jumps up onto my desk then on top of my computer montior, then onto my stereo (which always makes that creaking sound that some electronics make when shifted) then sneaks down behind the curtain and then behind the blinds. He stepped over my shoes which for some reason are on my window sill, then he settled down to watch the outside world (my room in street facing). Then I realised how cute his paws are.
But why I'm really writing about Bradley is because his tail bore an uncanny similarity to that little worm on Seasame Street, you know Oscar's friend. I was sitting there watching his ong tail, and it's incredble how much he actually moves it. Then I imagined it had a life of it's own and it became quite amusing. Also I loved that little worm, I thought it was so cute. And Bradley's tail does bear a lot of similarities. They were both orange. They both have stripes (although Bradley's are kind of cream, and I think the worm was red, or something), and they are both kind of lng and skinny.
Anyway maybe I'm mad. Probably. My point remains though, Bradley is cute.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Charlie and the Choclate Factory
Anyway my weekend was good. It mostly involved sleeping. I'm not quite sure why, but I'm not complaining. I was also very busy working on various birthday presents.
Ok well have a nice Monday!
Love From
Little Miss Mindy
Thursday, September 08, 2005

Well... it finally happened. Bloody took it's time though. Many of you might know the two questions I asked Darren before agreeing to give him my phone number were:
1) Do you drive?
2) Do you hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers?
The second question being of special importance because I personally have a special bond with their music, you may even say I am a "fan". And like I've also mentioned here music has played such important role at times of my past, especially the Red Hot Chili Peppers music that it would just be impractical for me to be with someone who couldn't stand listening to it. So mostly it's just a practicality issue.
Happily Darren didn't hate the Chili Peppers.
So we start going out, I get a little idea of what his tastes are... not too bad, a big Soundgarden fan, well gotta respect that. So when we've been going out quite awhile and I decide to make a nice gesture and start getting into Soundgarden a little, buy one of their albums, check out their videos etc. Without wanting to push anything too much I make him a mix cd of some Chilis song I think he'll like. But it doesn't play in his car. So that idea was thwarted.
I let things sit for a few more months. Then after we've been together for about year I buy him the Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication CD. Now Darren was not over the moon to get this CD, understandably I think he felt a lot of pressure to listen to it and love it. So after mentioning a couple of times that he should put it in his car and he still doesn't I just drop the matter.
Then out of the blue of his own accord a few weeks ago he puts the CD in his car and starts listening to it. This is about 9 months after I got it for him. Now I have learnt just not to pressure him, so I don't even act very interested when I hear he's got it in his car. Then a week later he's wanting to talk to me about his favourite songs off the album (Easily and Right On Time, good choices), then over the weekend he asks me if he can borrow another one of their albums! I mention he might find Anthony's biography an interesting read as well, and get a positive response from him! Woo! Something exciting has started here!
So it took it's time. But I maintain everyone love the Red Hot Chili Peppers most people just don't know it yet.
Love from Little Miss Mindy
ps Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the best movie ever! More on that on Monday :-)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Share a Joke
And you'll be impressed, and glad to hear that I did cut my travel time down on my way home to 35 minutes, and that wasn't even taking the shortest route, as I forgot to take the map I'd prepared myself with me so I was really just guessing. I'm all psyched to walk again, it's nice having peaceful alone time, and very pleasant walking round the back streets,k but alas it's raining today, also my shins and feet are killing me. I'm notsure what's wrong with my shins they were sore before yesterday's walk, but my feet are because of the shoes I wore walking yesterday.
Ok well hopefully I'll go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight. I think my flatmates and Amy are going to see some movie which they refer to as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but I've never heard of that! We've cancelled dinner as a flat anyway and are going to eat Willy Wonka bars instead.
Which brings me to another point. I love my Dad, and he loves me. Last night I desperately needed some chocolate (you know how it goes) and I knew that my Dad loves me so much he'd bring me some. Now I told Andrew this, and he was doubtful, but we made a bet (without actually putting any money or anything on it) that I could get my Dad to come round and deliver chocolate. So I rang Dad up and told him my chocolate situation, now he didn't actually say he'd bring me chocolate in fact he told me the opposite, but I knew he cares about me so much that before I went to bed that night he'd have been round with a chocolate bar. And I was right. At 9.30ish lo and behold Claire comes walking through my door delivering a bar of chocolate. Thanks Dad!! If anyone out there thinks I'm at all nice or kind then you can see why I get it from my wonderful family.
Love from
Little Miss Mindy
Hi Adam. This is indeed a good question. And I have a theory regarding this phenomenon. Firstly I would like to point you to notice that not actually all of Nick's questions are about hating women as such, some are quite the opposite. For example you may recall a past question where Nick wondered why women always smell so good. Also the questions where Nick appears to hate women are basically relating to women's behaviour that is somewhat confusing to him. I would like to suggest that Nick doesn't actually hate women. Just that he thinks they are confusing and a lot of work and they smell nice. In other words he wants a shag.
(Also I think he's trying to make women face up to their own irrational behaviour, and targeting my ask Mindy as a forum to do so).
Maybe Nick could comment if I am way off base with this response.
2. What do you do if someone wished you happy birthday and you want to do the same for them, but you only know the month in which they were born, and a rough idea of the day? (LaraCroft)
Hi Lara, this really is a pickle. What I would do is just ask them... say something like "What day was your birthday again? May 5th?" Where you substitute in the month and your guess of the day. I think this is fine, and I use this method all the time to ask Kirsty when her birthday is. If you don't want to be so direct see if you can find out from someone else who knows them, or sneakily try and look at their driver's license etc.
3. Mindy, Why do you think it is that Adam has never had a girlfriend of his own? (BHN)
Dear BHN, well you know what I think? I think the reason is that Adam hasn't asked enough girls. Surely any girls who he had asked wouldn't be able to refuse, so it stands that he hasn't therefore asked anyone out, or if he has they were whack. Also he does computer science and in general there's not that many girls who do so that means less chance of meeting someone through uni or work.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Interestings Things
Here are some interesting things for you:
- This is ugliest car I have ever seen in real life that actual people own, I saw someone driving it on the way to work yesterday and by gum it was bad. It looks worse in real life trust me:

Have a nice day!
Love from Little Miss Mindy
Monday, September 05, 2005
Amy's Birthday
Amy is having a murder mystery for her 21st birthday party. Isn't that awesome? That's why I asked if I could be a princess or a whore yesterday. I'm not sure what would suit me better, because really there's a little of both in me. Hehe.
Anyway I'm so very very excited about Amy's birthday! She has delivered most of her invitations I believe. They were delivered message in a bottle style, with a very cool pirate looking invitation within (along with some sand, shells, glittery stars etc). One reason I'm so excited is because I only realised last night that I'll actually be able to make it! I am due to leave Doncaster, England on Thursday evening, which should mean I'll arrive back here in Christchurch Saturday midday, in time for her party at 7.30pm! Now I'm not saying I won't be completely buggered and jet-lagged because I will be. Although maybe that'll just make me a better party goer, because I'll still be on England time, and that'll be like 8.30 in the morning, so I might be extra hyped and engergetic!
Also I'm excited because I started Amy's present in the weekend. Which for obvious reasons I can't tell you what it is. But anyway before I started I hadn't really planned it at all or anything, and I had no idea how long it was going to take, but now I've actually started and have a firm plan I can see I'll definitely get it done and I'm so pysched about it! Actually on Sunday night I woke up in the middle of the night after dreaming a really good idea for it.
And today I going to the doctor. To hopefully get some more asthma medication. Which is good, because it helps me breathe, which I'm finding especially difficult with the coming of spring and hayfevery type symptoms, but it's bad because it costs so much money to go to the doctor. And I have to pay my bill from last time I was there as well, so it'll be like forking out $100 in one go! Oh well, that's life. I reogranised my budget yesterday to account for my UK trip, as I figure I'll need extra spending money especially as I also dreamed on Sunday night that I found this really awesome pair of jeans over there. Actually this is really geeky but what I'd really like to buy over there is some material, as I'm pretty much over the selection in the few fabric shops in Christchurch. That would be superb! I'll have to find out from Kirsty if she knows of any good fabric shops in London, there's bound to be at least one!
Also I've found the ugliest car in the world, I'll try and get a picture for tomorrow.
Love to all,
Little Miss Mindy
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Just because I know you're all depserately waiting to find out. Yes I did go to the gym on Friday afternoon. And I went and I worked really hard and so I'm not as lazy as I thought I was, which is pleasantly surprising.
Also as you might have gathered, I finally saw Sin City. Now as I predicted I really really loved this movie. I thought it was brilliant. And yes I am biased. But still I thought it was great. Apart from when the blood was white, because then it just looked like birdshit, but apart from that, genius!
No other news of great consequence. I also saw Starsky and Hutch which was good but not great, and definitely no Dodgeball (which incase you haven't hear is a movie which I thought was wonderful!) Saw the family briefly on Sunday night which was nice, it's been a while since the "Marshall" clan has got topgether.
Hope you had awonderful weekend!
Love Little Miss Mindy Moo Cow
ps I just worked out last night I will actually be here for Amy's birthday... very tired and jet lagged probably but in Chch! Woo!
pps Happy Birthday Lara!!!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Nothing much to say
Don't really have much to say. I changed the picture on my profile. Hahaha. Well I think it's funny.
Today is the 2nd of September... so that means in one month I'll be going to England. So much stuff to do before then! Mostly regarding Amy's birthday present. I'll have to try and have a productive weekend I think.
Last night I watched half of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, which I've seen numerous times before. Isn't it a great movie? Tonight I'm going to watch the end of it, and then watch the Patriot which I've never seen.
Work today is going to be a struggle... mostly because we're releasing a cut on Monday which means today is dedicated to testing. 8 hours of testing... which is ok, it just requires you to be very self-motivated which will be difficult for Friday, esp in the afternoon.
Nothing much else happening in my life, I've got a new program at the gym which is going ok, plus I"m going to start really focussing on my running for no specific reason, just that I like it.
Have a nice day!
Love from Little Miss Mindy