Actually when it comes to movies etc I try and make the most of them, unlike some people I know (not mentioning any names... but I just happen to be related to two people whose names start with an A). I just try and like or even love a movie if it is at all possible! Hey you're going to get more joy out of life that way. However I don't do the same with people. Dumb eh? Like I'll always focus on the worst aspects of a relationship unless I'm completely secure in how the other person feels about me.
Anyway War of the Worlds. It's great! But I won't recommend it as no one else liked it. TO find out more read: War of the Worlds (Haha! That happens to be a link to the entire novel).
Also I CAN'T WAIT for the musical version to come out. I LOVED LOVED LOVED it when I was young. Which I think is why I loved the movie... bringing back childhood memories. Although I found it very scary. Especially when the Martians made Martian noises. I can remember also just listening to the electric guitars and stuff.... ahh it was great.
:-) M
Shhhhh. Don't tell anyone but I actually liked it.
I found it scary and cool. But my perceptions are nothing to do with the book/musical, which I barely remember.
I understand, from a purists fan point of view why Amy didn't though....
Yeah I understand too I guess. Also I understand why Darren didn't love it. He didn't dislike it though. From his point of view the storyline was a bit sort of pointless... which I guess it is, but you and I already knew how it ended so that wouldn't have bothered us.
Oh yes, the plot was utterly ridiculously pointless, for a movie anyway.
But it worked for me, because it really was a just a simple thriller with nice visuals movie. At least the plot wasn't corny "hero saves the day" like Day After Tomorrow, Independence Day, Pearl Harbour etc.
upon reflection i rather liked it too
the key themes from the novel were there and he didn't cop out at all with the ending.
yes the book is better. yes the movie would have been awesome if set in 1900 england but for what it was and what he set out to do i think he did very well
But to quote you ....
"Worst movie ever"
How can you back down from that?
what can i say?
on the whole it was bad but for what it was it was good.
i had a night to think it over and review what hg wells was trying to achieve with his novel and whether that came across.
Initially after the film all ic ould think about was the mistakes and how much better it oculd have been perhaps
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