Haha this is quite funny since most of my readers are male. Well most of my commenters are... I really have no idea how many of my readers are male. But anyway I want one of these! I think it would come in really handy... you know right when you're so frustrated that your teeth are grinding and you have steam coming out of your ears! Although I guess maybe in that state of mind it's not good to be playing with knives. Ah well who cares? I like the red colour especially. Mmmmm. :-)
And I've included some stargate pics for the boys below who feel that they are hard done by. Whatever!

Um tonight is my last night of sewing. I'm planning on finishing my pj top tonight... well getting very close to finishing anyway. I think I'll go back again next term though so I'll have to find something else cool to make!
Right well I think I'll actually get to work now!
Have a nice day everyone!
:-) M
Yay! Welcome!
Slartibartfast. It just has the nicest ring to it.
There has already been a naked woman, I'm so sure. But anyway... some people are just never happy. Either that or they just don't ever want an argument to finish!
Also sure you can borrow that dvd. It's season 7. I don't actually have any I bought them all for Darren as presents (aren't I a super girlfriend?) so they are his. So when we've finished watching season seven I'll see if I can get it off him.
Well the penguins might be able to swim somewhere else. Like to New Zealand. But penguins are so stinky and noisey! We have them nesting under our holiday house.
Well good. Since I'm the only woman commenting today I choose
to be the last word!
And Nick this was more a discussion than an argument... so I don't really think we need a winner or a loser. But if you insist, you already made the point about main female characters yesterday, and I already agreed with you yesterday... so I guess you win! :-)
Sorry Adam, has there been a fifth? I could email now with your suggestion if you like
The last word has already been had Nick. Floogly! :-)
Adam my plan backfired!
I think Nick is going to call his car "Whatever Adam says"... even though I definitely meant that to be filled in with your suggestion and not taken literally!
were you aware that the war of the worlds came out today mindy?
No I was not, how come it came out on a Wednesday?
Have you got tickets? If you can't get them or can't be bothered I think I'll go on Friday instead.
I can't go friday
it was an international release you see. i will try and get tickets tomorrow. i am pretty excited. you should read the book minnie! it is pretty scary but really good. i am up to the bit where he meets the artillary man for the second time (i am almost finished)
I know you can't go Friday. How come anyway? I just meant if things didn't end up getting organised for tomorrow.
Also get the tickets for the big theatre at Riccarton.
how many?
mel is down and we are catching up
Oh that's cool.
Just me and Darren, I don't think Andrew was keen. And I'm not sure about Kirsty.
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