It was nice and frosty this morning. Wasn't it?
I'm at work at little later than usual so I won't write much. Just hope everyone had a nice weekend. And Andrew didn't like Batman so he sucks. He must be flawed somehow. Oh actually..... silly me there is something extremely important I have to write about today. Oh two things actually. First Kirsty's superhero name is now Flame. So you can call her that if you like. Andrew's is the Slash... no point for guessing what his secret power is. Hehe.
But most importantly....
Drumroll please.....

We saw Daniel Jackson with no top on!!!!!
Yes you thought it was never going to happen. You all thought me and Kirsty were mad for even hoping.... but dear friends, on Saturday night, after the rugby, when we put in the first disk of season seven, the gods smiled on us. Infact not only did they smile but the bestowed the most precious of all gifts... Daniel Jackson bare chested! Well actually he was completely naked. So if you heard A LOT of screaming just after the rugby had finished on poor man's tv... it was most likely me and Kirsty. Ahhh. What a beautiful moment.
Ok bye!
:-) M
Phooey! You disturb too easily. There were many many more disturbing things taking place at the flat that evening. But in the interests of causing no further disturbances I will keep them to myself. Hehe.
Yay! It's about time. If you hadn't been hanging round here I would have thought you were dead. ;-)
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