Isn't that an awesome mural! Kon sent me an email with tons of them so you might have seen them before. Wish we had something cool like that in Christchurch. Although thinking about it it would probably become a driving hazard as driving past you couldn't help but stare. If any of you have ever seen the animals painted on the fence of that eye clinic on the corner of Papanui and I think Heaton St there was a lot of talk when they were painted that they should be painted over as it distracted drivers too much. I think everyone is used to them now and they're kind of faded anyway.
I saw a bad episode of Stargate last night. Yes you didn't think it was possible but it is. I suppose it was ok just very annoying, with some very grating characters. It was the one where Carter goes in a race with this alien dude Warrick and well anyway it sucked.
Today I'm having lunch with Lara yay!
Oh and last night I got my car back!!!!!!!! It did end up getting fixed. I love it so much! Oh how I missed my car. Anyway I think I'm going to sell it though since it's just got it's warrant so I'm on the lookout for another car. If i can bear to part with mine.
:-) M
good morning!
At yes it is frosty. My internet is playing up. This may be the only tiny window of opportunity that I have to comment.
I agree that stargate last night was a bit of a let down. But after seeing Dr Jackson NAKED nothing will be the same again.
Alrighty. I have work to do!
Yes that's true. Stargate can now be forgiven for any not-so-great storylines after they showed Daniel naked. *Contented sigh*.
Also I loved the picture you sent me this morning!!! I'm going to post it here tomorrow. Everyone else will have to hold their breathe in baited anticipation!
Yes you do. Good boy.
I just had morning tea with your Dad (and others).
It was Shiree's birthday shout.
Happy Birthday Shiree!
Don't worry I'm sure you've been to thousands upon thousands of morning teas that I have missed out on.
Oh come on! You guys get to see plenty on Stargate. It is written by guys remember. Almost every episode has some buxom babe popping out of a leather suit!
No, she is lying.
Really only the To'kra (sp?) are buxom and popping on a regular basis. And they hardly ever turn up these days.
I am NOT lying!
What about Hathor?
What about Osiris... ok she was slim not buxom but she wore very see through clothing.
What about Teal'c's lover lady who thought that she could talk to her symbyote?
What about the chick from P3R-636?
What about Leedora and Melosha from the land of light?
Huh huh huh?
osiris is a boy's name
Yes Osiris is a boy's name. But he was a g'ould who took a female host.
And you can see quite enough of their chests. If you want to tell me that a male chest and a female chest should have the same exposure that is a completely different thing.
I just had lunch with Lara. I miss her so much!
Ok ok granted. The shot of Daniel naked though was for a long way away and he was all curled up. Thankfully the chest shot was close enough. Ahhhh :-)
We should start a bring back Lara campaign.
Bats are pretty rare in NZ aren't they? Some are probably protected. If I were you I'd go for biting the head off a sheep or something much more easily available.
Hm well yes that is an idea. Perhaps not a very legal one.
What about a fish? Or maybe you could just munch down on a bunch of flowers or something. That would be pretty kooky.
Or when you meet your favourite band take a banana and ask them to sign it, and then eat it in front of them. Hahahaha!
Or maybe you could walk backwards for a whole day and if anyone asks why just sign and shake your head.
Or you could go up to a random person and say "Could you please ask me a question" and when they reply "Why?" look them straight in the eyes and say "because I said cucumber you idiot.".
He wants kooky he gets kooky. And now he's complaining!?
There's no pleasing some people!
Don't guys get to see women naked everytime they turn the TV on?? I think it's high time there was equality in television...more naked men please!
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