- Stage 1 Pretty cupcake cases all ready to go!
Stage 2 Mmmm yummy batter - I was good and didn't eat too much.
Stage 3 Ta da! All cooked :) Some of them a little lopsided but not too bad.
Stage 4 Ready to be filled.
Stage 5 Yummy caramel custard filling I'll go into details of this after the photos.
Stage 6 Even yummier chocolate custard filling.
Stage 7 Caramel custard in bottom, with chocolate on top of that.
Stage 8 Dissolving sugar in egg whites for Swiss Meringue Buttercream.
Stage 9 The beating - by hand with an egg beater begins, this was the first rest I had to take.
Stage 10 A long time later ready to add cocoa and vanilla.
Stage 11 Voila 12 little cupcakes!
Stage 12 Mmmm yummy fillings.

Also the fillings were to make things more interesting - I'm glad I put them in too as they were delicious. I was just going to go with the chocolate filling but then I looked at the sized holes I'd made and the amount of chocolate filling I had and realised I wouldn't have enough so I made the caramel filling too.
So for the recipes for the fillings. This morning I found an old tin of custard in my cupboard, this was bought ages ago before I learnt how to make custard. Anyway for the caramel custard I put maybe about 1/2 cup of the custard and 25g or so of butter, and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar in a bowl and microwaved till the butter was nice and soft and mixed it up anbd cooled to room temp. It could have had a little more butter in it maybe. The chocolate custard was made in a simlar way, 3 heaped desert spoons of custard, 100g of chocolate drops, 25g butter and 1 tablespoon of milk. In the microwave for 1 minute, stir up then cool to room temp.
I got the frosting recipe from How To Eat A Cupcake it's the chocolate swiss meringue buttercream, I made half the recipe but I didn't have any chocolate left so I left that out of the recipe.
Anyway hope you're all hungry now. Hehe. Think I'll go have a cupcake.
Hey Min, you cut around the top of the paper case didn't you so they would stick out the top? I need a really good recipe for my bug cupcakes that rise really high out of the case so I am able to cut the top off to make wings. Any ideas?
Hey Min,
when you say a tin of custard do you mean custard powder? I want to make really small quantities of filling for a top secret cupcake project I'm working on and don't want to deal with condensed milk so think maybe your fillings could be good.
Hi Ame,
No I mean pre made up ready to pour custard. I'm not sure you can get it in tins in NZ but you can get in cartons in the milk section.
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