Well D-brain has been baking again! He's so multi-talented. I'm so proud of him. Anyway his most recent creation lends itself perfectly to a basic Star Trek tutorial for all of you who aren't in the know. Darren and I love Star Trek (and I love that since I turned 22 I don't care what other people think of me anymore and I can annouce to the world that I love Star Trek without feeling the slightest bit of embarassment). I'm only new to it, but I've watched a couple of seasons of Next Generation, and a lot of series of Voyager (Katherine Janeway is my hero ;) ) and a wee bit of Enterprise. Anyway the lesson will now commence.
Exhibit 1: Worf - Klingon

Worf is a full blooded Klingon, although he was raised by a Starfleet officer so he acts a tiny bit more human than other Klingons. Klingons like war and being agressive and they have funny bumps of their foreheads.
Exhibit 2: B'Elanna Torres - Half Klingon Half Human

B'Elanna is a half Klingon half human her mother was a Klingon her father a human, which basically just means she's just a like a really moody human. With some bumps on her head but less pronounced than Worf's.
Exhibit 3: Muffins - Half Klingon Half Triple Chocolate

Chocolate muffin, white chocolate chips, dark chocolate pieces and a dark chocolate Klingon forehead!
1 comment:
That is soooo awesome :)
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