I've got a fair bit of news to tell at the moment. Well not so much news more just catching up on what I've been up to - it's been fun though! Today however I am just going to talk about yesterday when I made banana cupcakes! They were goooood.
I got the recipe from How To Eat A Cupcake (again thanks Cassie!). I made the banana ones. These ones were a much goopier cake like mixture and very yummy! I made half the recipe and got 10 cupcakes.
For the frosting I had to get inventive as I have totally run out of sugar. That makes making frosting difficult. I seriously have no sugar of any form left in my house. No brown, no icing sugar, no caster sugar, and the white sugar was the first to run out. So anyway as I've always maintained I'm an inventive baker because I'm too lazy to get proper ingredients - though yesterday I had an excuse as the supermarket was already closed by the time I realised my sugar predicament.
Anyway so bring on Mindy inventiveness and I made up a great frosting recipe based on Swiss Meringue Buttercream. I think I'll call it Mindy's Yummy Banana Honey Frosting.
2 egg whites
100g butter
1/4 cup honey
6 teaspoons Splenda
1/2 ripe banana really really squished
1/2 tspn vanilla extract
What I did was heat the splenda, egg whites and honey on a double boiler then beat them with the egg beater until soft peaks form. I softened the butter and mixed it thoroughly with the banana and vanilla then little by little beat the butter into the egg mixture. Unfortunately no matter how much I beat it it didn't get stiff enough to hold it's star shape when piped, it just needed more butter so next time I'm going to try with more butter. But it was almost pipable and after being in the fridge set to be nice and hard and delicious. I really liked it as it wasn't too rich despite being quite sweet and it was nice a light which complimented the reasonably heavy cupcakes.

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