Anyway so in the weekend I was trying to make up a recipe for white chocolate and kiwifruit cupcakes. I did manage to but the recipe had a bit too much butter I think and they were very buttery and a bit heavy, and some of them sunk. They still tasted great though! And I did ice them up and they looked ok (although I'm not going to bother with swiss meringue buttercream again till I've got an electric mixer, it's too much work by hand and came out a bit goopy).

Anyway these were just sitting around not being eaten, partly because the Un-death by Chocolate ones were just so delicious (make sure you check them out) and besides two batches of cupcakes is really too much for just me and Darren. You'll be glad to know that I did distribute a few around work yesterday and today so now we've officially got a cupcake count of zero in the house again.
So as I was saying the white chocolate kiwifruit cupcakes were not moving fast, so when I was reading Bakerella and saw that her gorgeous cake balls were basically made of cake and frosting and I realised that I had cake and frosting! So I bought a block of white chocolate and set to it.
Here's the cupcakes becoming crumbled cake and frosting:

Then the frosting and crumbs got mixed together rolled into balls and put in the freezer:

Then they got dipped in chocolate and left to set. I was going to write them off as a failure as my dipping really didn't go very well, but on second thoughts it wasn't a total disaster - redipped I think they'd be fine. I think I would have been better off using dark chocolate to dip them as I find white chocolate a little temperamental and I'm not too experienced, and also might have been better if I'd let the chocolate cool a little before dipping. What happened was my nice hard packed cold buttery balls turned a little bit mushy in the hot chocolate. Anyway I haven't been put off, I will be back for another go!
Here's the finished result anyway:
