And so it begins. Rainy Vancouver. The unfortunate thing is that I live on the bottom of three floors so I can't here it. I noticed when I opened my window yesterday to let out a spider that it was pouring and I couldn't hear it at all! I have a real spider problem in my room. I think they are daddy long legs but they are annoying as they get caught in my blinds and make lots of noise at night. Any suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
So the BC Lions won. I enjoyed the game but not the sport. Now those who know me will know I would never ever consider myself a rugby fan but even I admit that rugby

Hope all are well and thanks in advance for the help with the spiders
For the spiders:
To repell these flies get some Citronella oil apply it around your doors and windows, perhaps dousing some small pieces of cloth. To get rid of ones that have already got in I just recommend catching them in your cupped hands and throwing them outside. If you’d prefer that the ones you miss don’t lay eggs all around your house, get some fly paper to catch those stragglers.
I found that on a website.
Today is international talk like a pirate day. I don't know how to talk like a pirate... but you all should!
owh arrrrrr
ye be getting some big sticks and then be getting some poking at them there weee spiders.
Me hearties
Ahoy, i agree Aye.
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