blogging debut
very exciting
i am writing this quickly before my very kind and generous friends Mel and Michelle take me shopping for a mini fridge which i can then take in their car. i went to ikea this morning, this huge chain they seem to have everywhere expect new zealand. i got some cool crap for cheap so im happy EH.
i would like you all to marvel at the below squirrel picture minnie posted. if you don't believe it was hard ask me to show you my 20 blurry, far away squirrel pictures that were my previous best efforts EH.
canada is nice enough. it smells kinda funny, especially the new bedspread i just bought and i miss my family, thomas and everyone else back in old nz but at least i am not in the usa EH! (sorry, the usa is a lovely country i actually applied to 5 usa schools and only one canadian school, plus the usa has disneyland AND disneyworld EH).
ubc is at the end of the above penninsula. the huge campus is surrounded by a big park with trees and eagles and squirrels and bears (ok, maybe not bears). the buildings you see are the libraries. my residence is right at the waters edge (bar a huge forest and like over 400 steps down a steep cliff of course!). there are so many trees on campus it is pretty cool EH
that is me for now. hope you are all well EH
love amy
(ps, i haven't heard that many EHs but when i do i can't help but laugh)
1 comment:
oh and the land you see in the distance is vancouver island. if anyone visits we should go there. it is the best place in the world to see orcas and there are heaps of bear tours
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