Ok I already alluded to this in my comment yesterday, but for the sake of completeness I will answer it again here. The answer to yesterday's question as to who would win in a fight between an elephant seal and a moose is the elephant seal. Elephant seals can get up to 6 and half metres long and weigh up to 3400kg! Most of their body is fat as well, so their organs are well protected. What is a moose going to do to that? Poke it in the eye? These things eat sharks for goodness sake! And they are fast, faster than the average human when they're traveling on sand dunes. Ok I might be biased but I think the roar alone would scare the moose away. Elephant seals rock!
I'm really sorry but I totally forgot to dress up and fight with Claire. But I have some very good news. I had lost my bike lock ages and ages ago. Now this has been a problem and resulted in many rush through the supermarket trips and really hope no one stole my bike. Today I really really need it as I'm going to get a haircut and that would mean leaving my bike for a long time unlocked. So I had a very thorough search and couldn't find it! So I decided to ring Dad and see if he had any spares, so I was looking for the phone (you may have noticed looking for things seems to be a recurring theme in my life!) and I found my bike lock! It was in a very un-bike-lockish place. But anyway yay!

Ok now for today's question. Who would win in a fight between a carebear and a popple? Submit your answers via comments and my answer will be up tomorrow!
I would have to say the carebear as he is packing heat.
I have a question..... "who would win a fight between a RX-7 equipped with carebear gladiator spikes and the Marshall girls with duct tape and cardboard armour?"
Haha! Well if it were "my" RX-7 we (the Marshall girls) would kick it's ass as the car is stuck in the garage and won't start... we are going to have to push it to the new house when we shift. Hehe.
Otherwise... well we'd win anyway, because we're fast, smart and gorgeous so it just makes sense.
The popple would win.
The carebear would want to hug the popple and have a meaningful discussion in the clouds about how rainbows are the best.
no silly
it is thursday
you're whack
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