Thursday, September 28, 2006
Selling Phone
Huge Decision
1997: Died it the first time red
1997-2000: Various shades of red and auburn
2001: Almost grew it out, had about 10cm of regrowth before blonde streaks
2002: Blonde streaks and whole head of foils
2003-2005: Totally blonde
2006 March: Even blonder (peroxided)
2006 July: Bright red
2006 August: Auburn
2006 August: Dark brown
2006 August: Auburn
That's all! Bring on the boring brown. I will probably hate it. But I'm so sick of having such dry unhealthy hair I want to let it completely recover, before probably going blonde again. Hehe!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
:) :) :) :) :)

I have finally found a reason why Nth America is better than NZ: new episodes of Gilmore Girls! The sixth season finished in NZ the day before I left (how lucky is that) and season seven premiered here last night! It was awesome, you people stuck in NZ will have to wait aaggggeesss for these episodes. Im not going to ruin the suprise Im just gonna say it was great. Yip. Gilmore Girls rocks.
Not much else going on here. Just study and more study. It is my birthday on Sunday but I will be all alone so it is not that exciting. Ooo, maybe I should go check the mail now to see if any of my presents have arrived. I am espcially looking forward to Claire's present. It is going to be awesome ;-)
Hope all are well
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ok a even harder puzzle!
There are 5 houses in 5 different colours. In each house lives a person of a different nationality. The 5 owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. Using the clues below can you determine who owns the fish?
The Brit lives in a red house.
The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is on the immediate left of the white house.
The green house owner drinks coffee.
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The man living in the house right in the middle drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The man who smokes Blend lives next door to the one who keeps cats.
The man who keeps horses lives next door to the man who smokes Dunhill.
The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
The German smokes Prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
well actually not really but we will just pretend. i am having a very very very busy week. i am writing lots of essays about myself for my applications for the various places next year.
anyway i have a picture for u to look at and try find the arrow. (i only found this out a few weeks ago) the 1st perso

Monday, September 18, 2006
Rain and Spiders

And so it begins. Rainy Vancouver. The unfortunate thing is that I live on the bottom of three floors so I can't here it. I noticed when I opened my window yesterday to let out a spider that it was pouring and I couldn't hear it at all! I have a real spider problem in my room. I think they are daddy long legs but they are annoying as they get caught in my blinds and make lots of noise at night. Any suggestions from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
So the BC Lions won. I enjoyed the game but not the sport. Now those who know me will know I would never ever consider myself a rugby fan but even I admit that rugby

Hope all are well and thanks in advance for the help with the spiders
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
BC Lions
I am going to a Canadian Football game tonight. I think it is just like Grid Iron. I guess the team I will be supporting is the BC Lions (I think the opposition is the Montreal team). It is kinda silly that in three weeks of being in Canada I will have been to a football game considering how many rugby games I went to in 21 years in NZ. I am pretty excited about sharing in the Canadian Culture. I will let you know how it goes. Oooooo, I wonder if they do 'nachoes' like on TV or have people yelling out peanuts! Maybe that is just baseball.
The stadium where the game is (if my research is correct, it is most likely not so don't quote me here) is the world's largest air supported dome and will hold the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Awesome.
I wanna go to a Hockey Game. The Vancouver Canucks are playing the Anaheim Ducks (Mighty Ducks for all those Disney fans) in a couple of weeks and there are still tickets (It is very hard
Hope everyone is doing well. I am trying to study econometrics. It is not going well. It is so much harder than I thought it would be. I keep thinking I will go down to the beach but it is sunny today and I HAVE NO DESIRE TO SEE NUDE MEN.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Moving Day!!!`

Today's question is a real one, that I actually know the answer to. Who would win in a fight between a raccoon and a house cat? This may be the last in our series victor predictions... for now. Anyway fighting is bad and you shouldn't do it, we should all be more like carebears and sit around in the clouds talking about how rainbows are best. They really are.
Now tomorrow is moving day! Yay! I'm going to cheat though and start moving tonight. I'm so excited. The new house is so nice. And I get my own room, I'm going to make it a music room. And I get a new kitchen and a new bathroom. And I planted my garden last weekend, so it will be easier to water it if I'm living at the same property it is in. WOOT!
:) Mindy
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Elephant Seals Rock!
I'm really sorry but I totally forgot to dress up and fight with Claire. But I have some very good news. I had lost my bike lock ages and ages ago. Now this has been a problem and resulted in many rush through the supermarket trips and really hope no one stole my bike. Today I really really need it as I'm going to get a haircut and that would mean leaving my bike for a long time unlocked. So I had a very thorough search and couldn't find it! So I decided to ring Dad and see if he had any spares, so I was looking for the phone (you may have noticed looking for things seems to be a recurring theme in my life!) and I found my bike lock! It was in a very un-bike-lockish place. But anyway yay!


i am very exciting 2day as mindy and i are going to watch the spongebob squarepants movie. i have never seen this movie but heard it is funny. the otherday i also watched brother bear 2. that was a good movie but not quite as good as brother bear 1.
my uncle is staying with us at the moment as he just had a heart operation and hes funny now coz he ticks. like a clock!or like the alligator in

peter pan. anyway enough from me
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Moose vs Elephant Seal
Anyway I really don't have much to say. Oh yeah a meteorite hit Canterbury yesterday and I didn't see or hear it so I'm rather bitter about that. Hear's some interesting information for you:
Meteor: What you see in the sky (doesn't have to hit earch).
Meteoroid: The actual object you can see.
Meteorite: A meteoroid that hits earth.
Anyway I'm on the lookout for aliens now, so if anyone sees any of these wandering around let me know:

Secondly I would like to pose a question to you: Who would win in a fight between a
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Oh hi, EH

blogging debut
very exciting
i am writing this quickly before my very kind and generous friends Mel and Michelle take me shopping for a mini fridge which i can then take in their car. i went to ikea this morning, this huge chain they seem to have everywhere expect new zealand. i got some cool crap for cheap so im happy EH.
i would like you all to marvel at the below squirrel picture minnie posted. if you don't believe it was hard ask me to show you my 20 blurry, far away squirrel pictures that were my previous best efforts EH.
canada is nice enough. it smells kinda funny, especially the new bedspread i just bought and i miss my family, thomas and everyone else back in old nz but at least i am not in the usa EH! (sorry, the usa is a lovely country i actually applied to 5 usa schools and only one canadian school, plus the usa has disneyland AND disneyworld EH).
ubc is at the end of the above penninsula. the huge campus is surrounded by a big park with trees and eagles and squirrels and bears (ok, maybe not bears). the buildings you see are the libraries. my residence is right at the waters edge (bar a huge forest and like over 400 steps down a steep cliff of course!). there are so many trees on campus it is pretty cool EH
that is me for now. hope you are all well EH
love amy
(ps, i haven't heard that many EHs but when i do i can't help but laugh)
Big News!
If you haven't noticed down the bottom of each post where it says the time the post was published it also says posted by Mindy. We'll try and make it obvious but if you're not sure just check at the bottom of the post and it will say which one of us wrote it!
Let the good times roll!
Amy's Photos

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Red Eyes
It was fun swimming, I haven't been for ages. Like I haven't swum laps for years. I haven't been to public pool for years either! Like umm... the last time probably would have been when I played water polo in 7th form, that was 1999. Gosh. That's a long time. No wonder I forgot how horrible chlorine can be. I'm glad Mum and Dad don't chlorinate their pool as heavily as public pools.
Darren wasn't in Akaroa last night so that was great. Also he's not there tonight. Lucky me. So we watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force Together... awww. It was great.
I'd better get to work now. If my eyes stop fuzzy and I can focus on the screen.
Actually I've just realised I complain an awful lot about my injuries and illnesses. I'm always moaning about something. I think I had better try and stop now as it will only get worse as I get older. So next time I do it, scold me!
Also hi to Amy in Canada, and Andrew in wherever. I hope you are both having fun. Well actually I know right now Amy is trying to find her lecture as the room changed. Good luck Amy!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Popple Education

Ok so these are popples. I only ever knew them as toys but apparently there was a tv show of them too with popple puppets. I don't think we ever got that here in New Zealand. They were around in the 80s. The coolest thing about a popple was they "popped" kind of. They have a big pocket on their back which you turn inside out and the whole popple fits inside (well that was on the ad, in reality the head usually sticks out). So they kind of look like a big ball, then you "pop" the rest of it out! The orange looks like the one I found abandoned and have adopted, though it has had it's tail cut off :( The pink one is what my popple looks like. And the last picture is what they look like when they are all tucked up in their back pocket.

So really just another fad toy. But I had very few soft toys when I was little, actually very few toys, I liked drawing more, but popple is one I have hung onto! Very cuddly too.
Monday, September 04, 2006
I have two exciting pieces of news. I'll do them in chronological order. Actually three pieces of news.
1) I had lunch with Claire last Wednesday and we went and sat in the park and ate and it was nice. (She made me say that, I've been in trouble for the last 5 days for not mentioning that on my blog yet!).
2) In the weekend I was driving down my street and there was a box on the side of the road labeled "everything for free". Sitting right on the top of that was a popple! Yes a popple! So I asked Claire (coincidently she was with me again) if she'd get out and get it for me. She said no. As she is mean. So I got out and got it myself. Also a dinosaur which appears to be haunted but that's another story. So now my popple, affectionately named "popple" (apparently I wasn't fussy about naming my toys when I was younger) has a friend!!!! This one is orange and stinks so I'm going to wash it very soon.
3) I still have a catfish! Darren and I bought this whiptail catfish ages ago for quite a bargain (they sell for $70 at Animates) I think we paid around $20 off trademe. Anyway we got this wee catfish and it hung out on the side of the tank for a few weeks then disappeared. This was seriously long over a month ago. Now we have tons of fish that "disappear" (i.e. die then get eaten before we notice), and I had assumed the catfish had suffered the same fate. But last night, totally out of the blue the catfish came out again! It's bigger too!
Ok so those were my pieces of news. Hope you didn't hate them, enjoying them may be a bit much to ask though ;)