1. It's now Movember (if you just look to the right you'll see my little web badge that proves it). So if you can grow a mo do so! I am an avid facial hair fan (on males) and so Movember is my favourite month of the year.In Movember everybody wins - I get to see (at least through photos) some gorgeous moustaches, and the commendable New Zealand males who are growing them are also raising money for good causes. So once again everyone grow or sponsor a mo or do both! If you need someone to sponsor you can sponsor Adam here - even if you don't like Adam (in which case you're obviously a weirdo) rest assured he doesn't get any of the money it's all going to a good cause!
2. Cooking for almost 9 hours makes your hands very dry... it may be something to do with the number of dishes I had to do throughout the day.
3. (Sorry I thought of something else) I really like charity second hand shops... they are awesome!
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