Remember me? I know I haven't been around in awhile. Here's a picture of me in case you've forgotten who I am (which would be totally understandable). :)

Well hmmm a lot has been going on here since I last wrote.
Darren and I went to Holland and stayed with Susannah and Cory. It was such an awesome holiday as Rach and Greg came over from Cambridge too! Oh that was Easter, so I guess that wasn't too long ago really.
Ohhh before I carry on I should say the most important thing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE! It's my baby sister's birthday today. She turns 19! Sometimes she seems a lot older and sometimes she seems a lot younger hehe. Uh oh. I just did some maths, that means it was 7 years ago almost that I was 19. Urgh! I'm old! Thinking back though to when I was 19... well lets just say I've come a long way. I can still remember Claire as a baby though, she was a premmie, and stayed in hospital a whole month to grow big and stuff. While she was in hospital I had a cold and I wasn't allowed to go in an visit her for a week or so but Amy still was... man that wasn't fair! Then she came home from hospital on my birthday and I was a bit grumpy about this because I thought she'd steal my thunder... and she probably did but in the end I didn't really mind. Besides Mum and Dad had got me a highlighter pink bike and it was awesome so I think I got over the Claire thing pretty quickly. Well not got over her, of course I loved her so much and still do!
Ok back to Holland. So it was Easter, it snowed. We went to a gorgeous art gallery in The Hague. Which was definitely a highlight. We spent a very cold day in the snow in Amsterdam, where a lot of the day was spent walking to somewhere, finding the queue was too big then walking somewhere else. We did go to a cool kid's science museum called Nemo, and we braved the queue for Anne Frank's house which was amazing to see.
What else. Hmm I don't even know if I've written since my Dad came over! My Dad came the weekend before Easter which was so great! We just hung out a bit (he was only here for 3 days) and also went for a drive to Buxton and went to Poole's cavern which are these cool limestone caves. We also had some delicious meals out... I still salivate thinking about the wild mushroom and pinenut rissoto I had for lunch at a pub. It was sad to see Dad go, I'm such a family girl, and it was just like standard four camp all over again (Dad came to visit one night, it was so hard to see him go, even though I only had like 2 more days left on camp hehe!).
Um what else has happened. Confession time! I've started watching (and enjoying) Star Trek. I'm a total sci fi geek now. Stupid Darren's done this to me. But I always figure it's probably better than to enjoy something than to not enjoy it (like if I pay to go to a movie a try and enjoy it rather than rip it apart).
Work has been hard work lately. Hehe. So I won't talk about that much.
I don't even know if I've written a blog since Kirsty Face had her baby! Well her and Nick's baby I think they're supposed to share. She's a gorgeous wee thing called Eloise and I can't wait to meet her. Though when I meet her she'll be a lot bigger than she is now! I'm so proud of Kirsty and Nick and Eloise, even though it's really nothing to do with me! I would post a photo but I think it's bad enough when parents get out your baby photos when you're a teenager and embarrass you with them, I wouldn't want Eloise to get embarrassed by her picture on the net. Trust me she's cute! Claire has some pictures on her bebo, which is much more private than a blog so if you have bebo and have Claire as a friend check her out :)
Congratulations also to my cousin Hamish and his wife Sam who also had a baby in the last month! Another gorgeous girl called Lily. And Beth's sister Emma had her wee boy James, I think he's called. So really March has been a baby-full month!
Ok that's just about enough from me I think.
Lots of love,
1 comment:
Hey its Mindy!! So dats what you look like these days :)
You and Darren should watch the 'Jane Austen Book Club' :D
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