Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Mmm Custard
We didn't have a very big tea for dinner on Monday so I decided to make pancakes for desert, I thought it would be nice to to have chocolate sauce with them. I remember at Christmas I'd made a chocolate icing based on custard, so I decided to look for a recipe for chocolate custard. I found one and gave it a go, and it was a horrible (but yummy) disaster. Did you know custard can curdle? I didn't... I wondered why it had so many tiny bumps in it - it wasn't at all the consistency of custard!
So I headed to google and did some research and found out why custard curdles. Basically if the egg yolks get too hot too quickly.
Now happily I'm in the habit of making egg white omeletes at the moment, so when I got home from work tonight and whipped up an omelete and then I had two egg yolks left over... so I thought time to give custard another go. I unfortunately didn't have much milk at all, but I kept going anyway. This is my recipe I made up which ended up making some very rich yummy thick chocolate custard which you wouldn't eat by itself but as a topping for something... like icecream!
2 egg yolks (room temperate)
About 200ml milk (I used skimmed) use more than this if you don't want it super thick, I was planning on using about 280ml.
40g of caster sugar
Tbsp cocoa
tspn cornflour
drop of vanilla
1 Heat the milk up in a saucepan with the vanilla, just so it's almost boiling.
2 Whisk the egg yolks with the cocoa and sugar and cornflour to get a nice even consistency
3 Pour a tiny bit of milk into the egg mixture and whisk, pour another tiny bit in, you don't want the egg yolks to get too hot too quickly.
4 Keep pouring in the milk and whisking until all the milk is in the eggs
5 Return the mixture to the saucepan
6 Put on the stove at a very low temperature - and don't walk away! Keep stirring it the whole time! And just sit here patiently until it's as thick as you want it. Maybe 10 minutes of something.
And there you go! Enjoy!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Me, Right Now
me, right now! | |||
1. A morning person? Yup! 2. Are you a perfectionist? Nope, in some things (onto the 5th time starting on Eloise's cardie, but generally good enough is good enough) 3. Single? Nope 4. Currently suffering from a broken heart? Nope 5. Okay styling other people's hair? Depends on the style, I did some Bridget's hair beautifully once I remember. 6. Left handed? Sure am! 7. Shy around the opposite gender? Not really relevant hehe I think this question is more for teenages. But I guess just answer the damn question - the answer is no. Well no more than I'm she around anyone! DO YOU: 1. Bite your nails? Nope never 2. Currently regret something that you have said? Oh definitely... can't think of something specific, but I often say things I regret in the middle of arguments. 3. Curse frequently when you get mad? Nope, I don't swear much at all. 4. Enjoy smoothies? Especially mango, or banana and mango! 5. Enjoy talking on the phone? Yup especially to Mum and Dad, but I wish I felt comfortable calling more people more. 6. Have a pet? Only Becky back in NZ 7. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person? Don't think so 8. Have all your grandparents? No :( I haven't had all of them since I was 2, have just one now. 9. Have at least one sibling? 2 wonderful sisters who are my best friends. 10. Have Caller I.D. on your phone? Is this question from before the time of cell phones? I do on my cell phone but not on my landline. LAST PERSON WHO: 1. Slept in bed with you? Darren 2. Saw you cry? Darren 3. Went to the movies with you? Darren 4. You went to the mall with you? Darren 5. You went to dinner with? Darren, Rach, Greg, Susannah and Cory 6. You talked on the phone? Dad 7. Made you laugh? Darren WOULD YOU RATHER? 1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue, except I wouldn't want it to damage my teeth 2. Be serious or be funny? Funny 3. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole 4. Die in a fire or drown? Drown DO YOU PREFER. . 1. Flowers or candy? Flowers... it's been AGES since I've gotten flowers. 2. Colour or Black? Colour 3. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise, though hardly ever see that, I see the sunset here frequently and it's so beautiful. 4. M&Ms or Skittles? I don't know! Um probably M&Ms 5. Staying up late or waking up early? Wake up early ANSWER TRUTHFULLY !! 1. Do you like anyone? Yup 2. Do they know it? Yup (haha these are teenager questions again) DO YOU PREFER... 1. Sun or moon? Sun 2. Left or right? Left 3. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? I have 10 best friends! 4. Sun or rain? Sun at the moment because I'm sick of staying inside - but I love the rain a lot 5. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate if it's by itself, vanilla if it's a side 6. Vodka or Jack? Jack FOOD: 1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I cut it before I cook it, and twirl it when I eat 2. Have you ever eaten Spam? No 3. Favorite ice cream? Phish food 4. How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? Only one at the moment - porridge! 5. What's your favorite beverage? Mango and banana smoothie 6. Do you cook? Yup IN THE LAST MONTH, HAVE YOU? (YES OR NO) 1. Had a b/f or g/f? yes 2. Bought something you didn't need? yes 3. Sang in front of people? no 4. Been kissed? yes 5. Been hugged? yes 6. Felt stupid? no 7. Missed someone? yes - all the time 8. Danced Crazy? don't think so, wish I had though 9. Gotten your hair cut? no 10. Cried? yep 11. Lied? oh yup, but just a white lie |
Ok looks like that's it. My sore throat has now come back, I think I'll have no voice tomorrow when I wake up - it feels like it's been disappearing all day!
Friday, April 25, 2008
No Subject
I just felt like blogging and I don't know what I'm going to write about yet so I didn't really know what to put as a title. Thus there is currently no title. Though I put no subject because that's like what emails say, which isn't really that funny. But not everything has to be funny.
Well today is my first ever Anzac day away from NZ, but then yesterday was my first ever April 24th away from NZ and tomorrow will be my first ever April 25th away from NZ. So well, I think I'll be ok. I bought a poppy to wear anyway, I'm not quite sure what the poppy was for as obviously they don't sell Anzac day poppies here, but I figured it would fit the purpose.
Do you wanna see the kaftan I knitted for my gorgeous wee niece Eloise? You do? Well ok then here it is...

And Darren tried it on to see how it fit...

And then I decided to knit something for my darling sister Claire so I made her this scarf...

And that's all. Now I'm knitting a baby cardigan also for Eloise. It's made out of pretty dusty rose wool, it's almost purple and it's the first time I've knitted with tiny wool and tiny needles so it takes a lot longer!
What else is news? Well I have a new desire to get into my French lessons I've been teaching myself. It's hard, but I'm being lazy too. What I'd learnt so far wasn't enough for me to say anything in French while I was in France, but I think it did enable me to understand a tiny bit more - I could grab certain words.
One thing I absolutely loved in the office we were in in Nancy was that each time someone arrived at the office they came around everyone and shook their hand and said bonjour. Even me and they had no idea who I was and why I was there. It was so nice. A lot of people also went round and said goodbye at the end of the day too! Very civilised I thought.
Darren put on this martial arts movie last night. Sometimes I don't like them much, as sometimes they are a bit short on interesting characters and plots, this one was not much different - but for some reason I really liked it! In fact I can't wait to watch the end of it tonight (I fell asleep - but that's because I was tired from travelling). It was called Showdown in Little Tokyo.
I can't actually wait to go to Japan either (there were Japanese people in the movie last night). I've been thinking maybe I should learn Japanese again. I say again even though I haven't really learnt it properly, but I did take it for two years in high school. I have a friend Michiko who could help me! I can't really remember any words but enu. Which means dog. Kawaii means cute I think too. And instead of saying knock knock they say kotsu kotsu. We had a song that the postman sang as he went round the neighbourhood I think saying "kotsu kotsu" as he knocked on the doors. Anyway the thing I liked about Japanese was it was easy to pronounce in that it was pronounced exactly as it was written, I'm not sure if there are any exceptions to that but I didn't come across any. Anyway I can still read most of the characters I learnt so I've got a small headstart in learning Japanese.
I think I will. I think I'll try and learn French and Japanese. It is very doubtful I'll get the two mixed up in my head. I should try and learn a word each day in French and Japanese. To cheat I'll make dog my first word as I already know that in Japanese. Ok just learnt it in French it is chien. Good done.
Ok well hope everyone is well! I'm missing my sisters a lot today. I think they need me. Or maybe I need them. But anyway I just have to do what I can from here.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Yes I'm strange
Today was work and a very nice guy approached me at breakfast who was also English and going to visit the ECR (Euro Cargo Rail) Offices so I had myself a ride. The day was productive... I've got a lot of work ahead of me now though!
Ok finally as to why I'm strange. Because I'm in
PS (Added next day) I realised something today that made me quite happy. I can confirm amongst strangers I really don’t care in the least what people think of me. Well of the real me – I would be annoyed if they made assumptions and judged me etc. I came to this realization when I was sitting on the train from
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Just a couple of things
First I mentioned on Marc's blog and maybe even in a blog post here a while back that I thought it would be so much better if third part car insurance was compulsory in New Zealand (I think this was in agreement with him) - and lo and behold, an article in stuff about how the government is proposing compulsory third party insurance. So obviously I'm very happy with that.
Secondly did I say my computer got a virus two weeks ago? It was SUCH a pain, put me out of action for days at work! In addition to the virus I had a hard drive error so my computer got taken away on Thursday to be fixed. Nows for all I know I may have mentioned this in my last post, but I'm sorry I really can't be bothered going back to check. Anyway as I said my computer is geting a new hard drive at the moment, so I'll get it back Monday! Woo hoo! I miss it - we've never been separated for this long before ;) Hehe actually I wonder if that's true. No, it can't be, I've been away from it for long weekends before.
Thirdly (yes we're still keeping count) I was just checking the visitor activity on this blog. It is so astounding, my blog traffic has sky rocketed since I posted that picture of a baby tapir. I'm guessing this is because there must not be that many pictures of baby tapirs on the internet so when people search google images for baby tapirs they get my page! Honestly there is at least ten hits each day on the baby tapir image from a google image search. Marketing people should keep this in mind, if they want lots of traffic on their page, then consider adding a picture of a baby tapir.
Fourthly Darren and I watched the new Stargate movie last night. It was awesome. Because it was Stargate. I'd read some bad reviews on it, well not bad as such, but one review that said it wasn't even as good as two good episodes put together, but maybe that's just because Stargate is just so amazingly awesome to start with it would be impossible to be better than it already is. Anyway if you love Stargate you'll love it, if you don't love Stargate you won't. If you love the original Stargate movie but not the TV series then you won't like it either. Or in fact understand it at all - it really is just a conclusion to the series. Sob sob. But at least Sam is in Atlantis now.
Fifthly I finally finished the jersey I'm making (oops I've made) for Eloise! I would post a picture, but then it wouldn't be a surprise for her. As I know she regularly reads this blog.
Good night and thank you,
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Anyway yay for Dave. Also of note in my TV regime at the moment is Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's just good because it's been so long since I saw it and it's such a strong tie to my childhood! That's not on Dave though that's on Virgin 1.
Ok so my life is a wee bit boring that I'm talking about TV... but well you are all the people reading about my sad life ;) Haha.
Oh something extremely exciting happened today. I got a whole bunch of packages descending on me at work. Darren and I had ordered two lots of DVDs (I won't mention that these were Star Trek DVDs as that would be embarassing) and these arrived, and my birthday present from Amy arrived! I had checked with her that I could open it (ie that my actual present was wrapped inside) and I could and I'm so glad I did. She was such a sweetie! She sent me four packets of Extra Drops, which are these sugar free lollies that I haven't seen here (though apparently you can get them, but not as commonly as in NZ!) and some delicious licorice. I've already had a piece, this is RJs licorice, I think it's widely regarded as the absolute best licorice in the world, ok maybe not widely regarded but I'm sure I'm not the only one who holds that opinion! Amy sent 3 packets on onion soup!! You know what that means! Three bowls of dip! Ok non New Zealanders won't get that at all, but that's their fault for not being New Zealanders, and they should just go and be a New Zealander like the best of us are! (Or they could probably just go to NZ and ask a NZer, or they could just ask me and I'd probably tell them).
Here's a tip for you all as well. Jonathan at work recommended the movie "Lars and the Real Girl" and so much do I value his opinion that I'm going to go ahead and recommend it before I've even seen it myself... but rest assured I will be watching it!
Hope everyone is well and happy :)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Remember Me?
Remember me? I know I haven't been around in awhile. Here's a picture of me in case you've forgotten who I am (which would be totally understandable). :)

Well hmmm a lot has been going on here since I last wrote.
Darren and I went to Holland and stayed with Susannah and Cory. It was such an awesome holiday as Rach and Greg came over from Cambridge too! Oh that was Easter, so I guess that wasn't too long ago really.
Ohhh before I carry on I should say the most important thing! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE! It's my baby sister's birthday today. She turns 19! Sometimes she seems a lot older and sometimes she seems a lot younger hehe. Uh oh. I just did some maths, that means it was 7 years ago almost that I was 19. Urgh! I'm old! Thinking back though to when I was 19... well lets just say I've come a long way. I can still remember Claire as a baby though, she was a premmie, and stayed in hospital a whole month to grow big and stuff. While she was in hospital I had a cold and I wasn't allowed to go in an visit her for a week or so but Amy still was... man that wasn't fair! Then she came home from hospital on my birthday and I was a bit grumpy about this because I thought she'd steal my thunder... and she probably did but in the end I didn't really mind. Besides Mum and Dad had got me a highlighter pink bike and it was awesome so I think I got over the Claire thing pretty quickly. Well not got over her, of course I loved her so much and still do!
Ok back to Holland. So it was Easter, it snowed. We went to a gorgeous art gallery in The Hague. Which was definitely a highlight. We spent a very cold day in the snow in Amsterdam, where a lot of the day was spent walking to somewhere, finding the queue was too big then walking somewhere else. We did go to a cool kid's science museum called Nemo, and we braved the queue for Anne Frank's house which was amazing to see.
What else. Hmm I don't even know if I've written since my Dad came over! My Dad came the weekend before Easter which was so great! We just hung out a bit (he was only here for 3 days) and also went for a drive to Buxton and went to Poole's cavern which are these cool limestone caves. We also had some delicious meals out... I still salivate thinking about the wild mushroom and pinenut rissoto I had for lunch at a pub. It was sad to see Dad go, I'm such a family girl, and it was just like standard four camp all over again (Dad came to visit one night, it was so hard to see him go, even though I only had like 2 more days left on camp hehe!).
Um what else has happened. Confession time! I've started watching (and enjoying) Star Trek. I'm a total sci fi geek now. Stupid Darren's done this to me. But I always figure it's probably better than to enjoy something than to not enjoy it (like if I pay to go to a movie a try and enjoy it rather than rip it apart).
Work has been hard work lately. Hehe. So I won't talk about that much.
I don't even know if I've written a blog since Kirsty Face had her baby! Well her and Nick's baby I think they're supposed to share. She's a gorgeous wee thing called Eloise and I can't wait to meet her. Though when I meet her she'll be a lot bigger than she is now! I'm so proud of Kirsty and Nick and Eloise, even though it's really nothing to do with me! I would post a photo but I think it's bad enough when parents get out your baby photos when you're a teenager and embarrass you with them, I wouldn't want Eloise to get embarrassed by her picture on the net. Trust me she's cute! Claire has some pictures on her bebo, which is much more private than a blog so if you have bebo and have Claire as a friend check her out :)
Congratulations also to my cousin Hamish and his wife Sam who also had a baby in the last month! Another gorgeous girl called Lily. And Beth's sister Emma had her wee boy James, I think he's called. So really March has been a baby-full month!
Ok that's just about enough from me I think.
Lots of love,