Well we're getting there. We found a car to buy today which is great we're just going to pick it up and pay for it tomorrow. It was hawrd to know what to pay for something but I think we got a reasonable deal, and the car seems to run quite nicely and is in real good condition. It's a wee silver peugeot:

So that was a really positive move forward. Then we went to the bank to try and get some money to pay for it. What a stupid nightmare. The standard welcome to the bank letter informs you that you will receive your cards in the mail within 7 days but in the meantime if you want to withdraw money you show up with your sort code account number and passport and the staff will be happy to help. Well they may well have been happy to help but they certainly weren't going to give us any money. We each had multiple forms of id, our account details, our phone banking details plenty of money in the account. We sat patitently and waited for over an hour while they ran around. We finally got told we were just about to get the money when they finally came out and said they couldn't give it us. Actually stupidly first they said we can't give it to you with only one form of ID, so we gave them another then they still said no.
So we had to get the money out of visa which is extremely expensive because you have to pay a 5 pound conversion fee, and we had to do 8 transaction which is a lot of fees. Blah. Oh well it can't be helped.
Getting insurance on the other hand was real easy! Thank goodness!
Then after all that we went to robot wars. It was interesting, quite fun to watch but I don't think I'd need to go too often.
I can't wait to pick up the car tomorrow! I'll be able to drive myself to the supermarket! Woo hoo!
Ok lots of love to everyone!
Hey Mindy
Nice car! Tell you what, I would change banks ASAP. I am a bank slut I.E I move banks as often as I get my hair done (which admittedly is infrequent). As soon as they do something to bug me or I see a better deal I am off. Let them know why you are changing banks and let your new bank know why also (they will hopefully avoid making similar mistakes).
It's a bit of a hassle but the bank you are changing to will usually deal will sometimes deal with other bank for you. The worst bit is changing your direct debits and automatic payments etc.
Feels good to see f$%# you to a bank that has been crap.
Banks go on about good service etc but a lot seem to rely on the fact that most people stick with the same bank that they started out with when they were young or that their parents used. I think they are starting to realize that our generation are more savvy and have tools such as the internet to make easy comparisons of fees, interest rates etc.
Anyway there is my rant
I had the same problem when I started my account in Canada. They were happy to take my money but it took about three week before they would let me take it out which really annoyed me! that is a very nice car :)
Nice car Min. Very impressed.
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