Ok, so if you've checked out Beth's page you will have seen that I had a fantastic afternoon on Sunday with her and Kostya at Church Bay. (Church Bay is a bay in Lyttelton Harbour where my Dad's family has a holiday house, boat shed etc). So anyway the weather was absolutely brilliant and we had a lovely afternoon, I went for a swim, despite the low tide. Normally I hate swimming anywhere in the sea where I can touch the bottom, Church Bay is particularly bad as the bottom is very squishy mud, and someone told me when I was little that it was all fish poo. As I've grown up I've become better at just avoiding the bottom :) Also I had to be a wee bit brave as earlier last week I had a terrifying dream that I was being stalked by a sting-ray while I was swimming at Church Bay, I didn't see any sting rays though on Sunday.
Anyway just as we were leaving I noticed there were several ripe banana passionfruit, we have tons over there. So I grabbed a few so we could try later, as I imagined Darren probably had never had any, and Beth and Kostya hadn't either. So it got me thinking I wonder how many people have never had one, or even heard of them. They don't really sell them in shops, well not that I've seen so I'm guessing probably quite a few. Maybe I should go and get some and provide them for refreshments at my 80s TV show party! :) (As an aside both the boys refused to try them on the grounds they looked too slimy!).
Also in the weekend thanks to Beth I watched the first season of Grey's Anatomy. I have never seen the program before (avoided it on the grounds that I didn't need another TV show to tie me down), but I will still have to avoid it until she gets season 2 on dvd. Yes apart from Church Bay I had a boring weekend.
It's really rainy today which I don't mind too much as really I love the rain, and also I dropped my bike off to get serviced yesterday and they've got it till Wednesday so I couldn't have biked this morning anyway. Speaking of rain and weather the clouds were really really cool yesterday afternoon, this picture doesn't at all do them justice, but it's an ok picture anyway.

wow i love banana passionfruit. it tastes good,especially from the tree at church bay. but i have to say i only like it when it is coated in sugar to even out the sour taste. also i never know whether to eat the pips or not. what do you think mdogg?
I eat them, but I don't crunch them. That works well for me!
Hi everyone! I've never heard of banana passionfruit, at first I thought it was just Mindy being silly :)
Anyway, I guess it must be a real fruit and I think Mindy should definitely provide some for her 80s TV show party.
ooh if you are going to provide them for your '80s cartoon night that means we will have to go over and get some. Althogh I don't know how nice it would be if it continues to rain.
hi mindy
when are you having your party? Is it for your birthday? I hope so because then I can come.
Yes, I have heard of banana passionfruit. I'm not the biggest fan but I don't really like fruit. I think I'm too lazy for fruit. Although I have been having a nectarine everyday for lunch and they are delicious.
Thomas eats soooooo much fruit. I bet he hasn't heard of them though. I just asked. He hadn't. Surprise suprise. He will have to try them.
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