I start midterms on thursday. Yucky yuck yuck.
We had a room crawl at St. John's last night. People are in teams of four or five and they decorate a room and have a drink to go with their theme then everyone goes around the rooms in order. It was pretty fun but I don't think Canadians can drink like NZers can (not that I was drinking, I have to study hard you see)! Plus, its hard to have fun without my boy.
Here are some photos I took
1. We had a news year theme with champagne
2. Willy Wonka- this one was cool, they had oompa loompas and everything (can't be bothered flipping the picture sorry)
3. The red light district

In other news, so I don't have to stress about it anymore I ordered my Halloween Costume yesterday. Its being shipped from the states, I won't tell you what it is until Halloween. This will probably be my only halloween so I have to make it a good one.
Hope all are well,
Hi Amy
Looks like a fun party! In Uni I mainly stole people's rooms (not the actual room, just everything in it so they came back to NOTHING left) or there was the time I turned everything in one room upside down and attached it to the ceiling.
Thanks for the postcard too! Its stuck to my fridge with magnets.
I'm staying up all night tonight to watch the next session of Stargate Atlantas because Mindy is giving it to me tonight and I'm very excited.
I have never stressed about a halloween costume.
Shouldn't you be spoiling Nick on his birthday instead of watching Stargate Kirsty?
yes well mindy you have never been in north america during halloween!
i once went "trick or treating" with my old friend whos from canada, it was really fun.she said every house got really into it in canada, if they were they would have a pumpkin lantern lit up on the doorstep, and if they werent then they would have one put it would be lit up.
everyone has been asking me about you halloween costume amy but i havent even heard one single thing about it from you! im looking foward to hearing about it!
Hi everyone!
My name is Andrew and I live in London, which is in England. I have read some very interesting discussions about popples and care bears. Also moose, elephant seals and additionally popples.
It is disappointing that no-one has pointed out that a honey badger is one of the fiercest hunters in all of the african deserts. They can kill crocodiles.
In fact, honey badgers can sometimes bring down large animals (such as gnus) by attacking it's scrotum.
Clearly this not so much of a problem for lady gnus, also know as gnuettes.
Lies, it's all lies. Your name is really Sandy and you are a Southern Hemisphere humming sloth and you don't live in England you live in Raratonga.
Shame on you for your horrid lies.
I don't lie!
I really am a partially digested bagel sitting in the intestine of a rabid iguana.
Humming sloths always lie. Don't deny it.
Oh, I know whats happened here.
You think I am a humming sloth.
I am actually a slumming Hoff. The proceeds from my questionable music career just couldn't sustain my Baywatch lifestyle.
Now I live under a bridge and I am constantly attacked by rabid iguanas and honey badgers.
Ahhh my mistake! Sorry Hoff!
I loved you in the SpongeBob movie. But I'm glad to hear you're slumming it now... there's nothing like slumming it to really clear up that belly button lint problem.
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