Also Adam had a cool link on his site to create your own South Park character, so I'm going to copy him and put the link on my site too! And below is me (for those of you who didn't know yes my hair is brown and short now). So here's the link South Park Studio. Bye!

Hi Adam, I'm back too!
Also Amy is in LA. Yay for Amy. She's almost in Canada now. Just got another 5 or so hours at the airport.
Thanks Adam, I thought so too. Yours also is very spiffy, a tad more dangerous looking than mine... ;)
Amy just texted me and she saw Ray Liotta so now she is very excited and happy (still in LA).
seriously, he looked directly at me! It was incredible. I bet my face was just classic. They are filming a warner bros movie right here in the terminal that he was in.
ok, well i am leaving this computer now i guess. i have no idea what it is costing me.
hope all are well and are having a good day in wintery nz (it is so hot i la)
Don't leave! Email me! You know you want to. ;) Oh ok if it's costing you money I suppose that's ok.
im back!
i was bored and the internet only cost 25c a min which i reckon is pretty good. i guess you are all at lunch now though. it i almost dinner time for me
Who is Ray Liotta?
I bet he thought you were hot Amy.
Whoever he is
Also I can't get the Southpark link to work. Will you make me one Mindy?
Sure I'll make you one Kirsty. You will look ho-tastic.
And hi Amy! I wrote you an email to your gmail address so you should check it and tell me what you think.
Also I tried to ring you but it didn't work.
he is a reallyy famous actor kirsty. although i hae a feeling you arejust kidding because you are jealous. he was in goodfellas, catch me if you can, blow to name but a few
ill do tha blog stuff you sent me in when i have a little more time if that's ok
Sure no problem Ame :) We'll have to have a big annoucement sometime.
i just looked up that ray liotta guy. i kind of recognise him but not really. i saw hayley westerna yesterday!
oh now i know where i recognise him from, the muppets in space!
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