Hello Everyone!
In case you haven't heard we're having a house warming party! If you want to know the address email me, and I'll reply. Of course I'm going to email everybody who I want to come... but I realise there may be some of you out there deperate for an invite and it just aint gonna happen unless you ask for one ;) Hehe.
Anyway everybody remember February 25th 2006 big party Mindy and Darren's house 7.30. BYO drinks, and we'll provide carrots and dip. Maybe. Hope to see tons of you there!
Had a pretty good weekend this weekend. Had Mike's going away party which unfortunately I could only stop in at as I had to meet up with Lara to go to Nick's 24th birthday. It was great to see Lara... and Nick for that matter! I hadn't seen him for ages! Since Adam's birthday infact. So yeah Nick had a party at Adam's house and it was really fun and I got to tal kto Adam too. And now I'm excited because a lot of the people who write on my blog - or used to - will all get to meet each other if they come to the house warming!
Also Darren made an awesome picnic table on Sunday. If you come to my party you can all see it!
Also on a sadder note I found out from my Mum that my best friend from when I was a kid is sick and dying. Which is so strage. I haven't even spoken to her in 13 years and probably won't... but just strange to realise how very far apart we are considering from when we were 6-10 we saw each other every single day of the year.
My Grandad is sick in hospital at the moment so we went to visit him. But he seemed quite cheery and down to earth about everything so that was good. He has cancer... lots around his lungs and so he's having trouble breathing without help. My Uncle from Australia is in town too so I caught up with him. And my other Uncle from the Chatham Islands was also very sick and in hospital (he's getting better now) so all his family are here in Christchurch too. Actually living over the fence from me in Grandad's house.
Right off to write the invitation email now!
i got an invite too! isn't that exciting? i will definitely be there too :) :) :)
i guess i haven't commented since before christmas. i am an angel no more...
that's right
i have become a sunflower because it is sunny
(i have absolutely brilliant logic/imagination)
"Well I hope everyone is looking forward to the party. I see Adam is (he's
been updating his site! Yay!) which I think is a very good example and
should be followed by all. There's going to be a particularly interesting
mix of people there, but I can guarantee that they are all very nice apart
from one guy there. I won't say who he is but I think you'll all figure it
out by the end of the night. And his name is Andrew. Oops anyway I was just
kidding, Andrew is nice too. Also on the topic of Adam's site (well it was
on topic a sentence or two ago) Adam compiled a lovely list of his flatmates
and reading it I've been thinking my flatmates and his would get on very
well... I wrote a post last year sometime introducing my flatmates which
included O'Neil my pet rock, Carlos the clock, Patrick the cushion donkey
etc check out his site and you'll know what I mean. Ok this is a very long
comment but since I can't do a post from work and I really want to be heard
then this will have to do! Love M."
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