Hello Everyone,
I have a lot of news. And I was going to post photos today but something terrible happened so I'm not in the mood. Bubbles died. I don't know how, I was talking on the phone and looked in the tank and she was floating upside down :( It was awful, just terrible. Darren tried to revive her by jiggling her round a bit but she just wouldn't ressurrect (I don't know where her loyalty to me is!). So then he chopped her up and fed her to one of his plants. I guess we may as well not waste her. But this morning I saw he'd left her wee head on the window sill, obviously trying to rile me up. Sigh. Maybe I will bury it in the garden. Yes I think so.
Also this morning I was watching TV (Johnny Bravo) and there was a knock at the door, so I go to see who it is, and there's a calling card from a courier! They didn't even wait for me to open the door! Stupid man, I ran out after his van and waved my arms and yelled but he just ignored me. Anyway it's getting redelivered tomorrow... I bet you it's my computer stuff! Woo!
Also yesterday I got my cycle computer. So last night (before I was in mourning) I was biking all around the place measuring how far I was going, and how fast. I'm not very fast, I'd say my average crusing speed is 22.4km/h which is pretty damn slow. But then again a lot faster than running or walking! And I did get up to 30km/h when I was trying hard. And I biked to work this morning and that's 3.68km, so that's really not very far at all!
I hope there's more computer bits waiting for me when I get home. Oh no! I just realised it's forecast to change to a southerly so it'll probably rain. Looks like I'll be biking home in the rain. Oh well! At least it's only 3.68km!
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