I've decided a great thing about blogs is you can share funny pictures/jokes with your friends without having to clog their email with forwards. It's much more efficient, and user-friendly. Well take this picture for example, half of you have probably already seen it, but by visiting my blog it's no big deal really, whereas if I emailed it to you it would be a nuisance for you to receive a totally useless email. Although for those who don't have blogs don't stop sending me funny emails as they are the source of anything funny I put up here - especially good for days when I don't really have anything to write about, like today!
:-) Little Miss Mindy
Hooray! Thanks Adam. And thanks for updating your site.
We've got a flat inspection today so last night Andrew and I um took the trolley on a trip and left it down the road. Then to my surprise it had almost returned back to our house this morning! Well it overshot the mark a little and ended up outside the church (yes I live next door to a Church).
K & A did you guys notice that?
Good idea!
Does anyone have any ideas for names?
Just to avoid confusion it can't be the same as any of my other named, inanimate objects:
Carlos (clock)
O'Neill (rock)
Patrick (cushsion)
George (ostrich)
Bobby joe is an excellent trolley name
The trolley was down the street when we left this morning. Maybe it was on its way back up and we caught it so it pretended it wasn't doing anything.
It's after you Mindy.
The good times of blogs... just kidding ;) Yea blogs are ways 2 share smiles PEACE & holla back
I love these blog spam entries.
They are the height of modern art. I mean what they hell are they supposed to mean? Why are they so random, and yet have a weird kind of cohesiveness?
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