Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Second order of business. Andrew and I were wondering why visa (as in the card) and visa (as in what you need to travel/work in foreign countries) had the same name.... ie what does "visa" actually mean? Any ideas/suggestions greatly appreciated.
Thirdly I have decided it takes 2 hours of Survivor to become hooked to series, I watched it last week and I watched it this week, and now I have to know what happens. Luckily it won't be hard for me to find out.
Lastly I just worked out it costs me 15c a kilometre in petrol for my car or $1.41 a day to get to and from work. Which isn't really that bad... cheaper than busing still. And it costs me $3 to get to and from Fenia's house. So I'm still ok with driving for awhile at least.
Have a nice day :-)
Monday, August 29, 2005
How Rude
Also Amy I hope your ears are feeling better.
Love from Little Miss Mindy
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Last Cigarette: Only ever tried it once, that was a long time ago
Last Alcoholic Drink: Glass of wine last night
Last Car Ride: 25 minutes ago on my way to work
Last Hug: 7:05 this morning saying goodbye to Darren
Last Time You Cried: Can't remember, probably last week sometime
Last Library Book: No idea
Last book bought: Confederacy of Dunces
Last Book Read: Four Fires, by Bryce Courtney (not finished yet)
Last Movie Seen in Theatres: House of Wax
Last Movie Rented: Lara Croft
Last Cuss Word Uttered: Probably "bloody " someting
Last Beverage Drank: water
Last Food Consumed: Porridge with milk and brown sugar
Last Crush: Johnny Depp
Last Phone Call: Dad, last night
Last E-mail you wrote: Hmmm either a work one, or one to Dad
Last TV Show Watched: Inspector Gadget
Last band you saw: Um gosh I can't remember it can't have been REM... can it?
Last Time Showered: 12:30 yesterday, after the gym
Last Shoes Worn: My black boots
Last CD Played: Californication
Last Item Bought: Subway
Last Annoyance: New fault through at work this morning
Last Disappointment: Movie on TV last night wasn't very interesting
Last Soda Drank: Diet Coke
Last Words Spoken: "Bye Darren"
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Rocky Road
Last Webpage Visited: Dave Navarro's blog
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Going to England (maybe)
Ok so at work I work for a team who works on a Train Planning Tool (amongst other applications) for a freight train company in England - EWS - who happen to be the largest freight train company over there with about 70% of the market. But anyway due to some work coming up I get to go over with Colin my manager to Doncaster. Which is apparently the biggest hole in the universe, but I don't care, also I don't believe it. And also apparently it's going to be horrid weather. But again I don't care.
Part of my job involves lots of communicating with some of the people at EWS and it will be really interesting, and fun to meet them. Also to see how they use our app. And things like that. I may even get to ride on a train.
I have never been to England. The furtherest I've ever been is Minnesota, which is still a lot closer than England. I hope no one explodes me with a bomb. I think I'll be ok. I hope my Mum doesn't worry that someone is going to explode me. Anyway.
:-) Little Miss Mindy
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
"Isn't life just so great? " - Adam
Yes Adam, yes it is. However, last time I claimed a similar thing the week following I had the week from hell... so be careful not to appear too happy at all times because someone somewhere may just decide you are a little too happy and try to ruin your life. So to be sure just for good measure try and frown at least twice a day.
Now I would like to talk about the word "Quote" and the word "Quotation". Now as most of you know "Quotation" is a noun. This means you can say things like
"Quotation of the day" or
"I have a quotation for you" or
"Could you please give me a quotation"
etc. Not that any of those things are particularly useful things to say. But you get my point. Now what most of the godamn world don't seem to realise is the word "Quote" is NOT a noun. Not at all! Not in the slightest. Therefore it makes no sense (if you're speaking English) to say
"Quote of the day" or
"I know ten Hamlet quotes"
Quote is a VERB! Eg "I am going quote Hamlet".
Now I know that I have a love quote of the day on right here on Kook Central. This is absolutely appaling. But I can't do anything about it sorry as it all just comes automatically from a quotation site. I'm so sorry. I really wish it would say quotation instead of quote.
But yeah anyway if any of you have learned something today I will be very happy.
Love from Little Miss Mindy
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I think it's just because women are generally much better than men in every single way. They are also much better looking. But in terms of a "real" answer I have no idea.
2. Why is it that no one can name a single female actress that would make them go and see a film, yet can name half a dozen of male actors? (BHN)
That is an excellent excellent point. I have never considered that before. I think it just generally demostrates that although women actors are becoming more equal in pay to their male counterparts (although not equal yet by any means) they are still just generally less respected. I think this is a trend that is beginning to change, and I think it will continue to do so. Well I hope so anyway. For example I would probably go and see a movie just because Angelina Jolie is in it, or maybe Susan Sarandon.
3. What is the best thing about not living at home anymore? (as i live at home still i do not know) (BHN)
Cheesecake! And lots of it. Honestly though for me the best thing about not living at home is not worrying my parents anymore. I think they worried about me too much when I was at home, and now they don't really have concrete incidents to worry about. Also I did get on with my family before, but like all families we had our moments, fights, yelling etc. There's none of that now, everytime I see them it's all good, and I think I appreciate them more. Aww aren't I soppy.
4. What is your favourate type of sex from the following and why?Angry, Romantic, Funny, Snuggly, Adventurous, Athletic, Kinky or Surprise (BHN)
Um I would have to say all of the above. They definitely all have their moments. I think Romantic is the most memorable type though as it really is love embodied in a physical act and when the two people both love each other a lot it can therefore be very intense.
5. Why is it that SO many of my male friends are now going for much younger women? I personally only seem to go for women the same age or older. (BHN)
I couldn't honestly say. Perhaps because younger women are simpler and easily molded - eg don't have such strict ideas/rules for what they want from a relationship and will be bossed around without complaint more often. Perhaps they're more easy to get, more excited and less wary about the prospect of a relationship/score. Maybe your friends are attrcted to more innocent individuals/less jaded.
6. Do you believe the saying "once a cheater always a cheater?" (BHN)
I really hope not! Actually I don't believe it. Everybody makes mistakes and everybody should have a chance to grow and change from them, so definitely I think cheaters have the potential to be loyal and faithful partners. I have made some terrible mistakes in my life and relationships and don't want to be judged on them forever. Also every relationship is different. If someone cheated on me, I probably wouldn't trust them not to do it again, but if they cheated on someone else before me I'd deifnitely give them a chance to prove that things would be different in our relationship.
7. Why would a women dance suggestively with another man with her boyfriend present? (BHN)Because she likes dancing suggestively. Because she wants to rile her boyfriend up for some reason. Because she wants her boyfriend to realise how lucky he is to be going home with her. Because her boyfriend doesn't like dancing and she does. There are tons of possible reasons, some innocent and not manipulative, some are manipulative. You'd have to look at the specific context.
8. Do you think most women want heros or men they can grow old with? (BHN)
I think most women want me they can grow old with. I'd say a lot of women would be attracted to hero figures, but shy away from them if they're looking for a long term thing, there may just be too much ego involved when dating a hero. Personally I need to be able to give in a relationship, so if I felt like the guy was already invincible and would never need me then that would be a problem for me.
9. What in your opinion has changed most about your opinion towards men from when you first became interested in them to now? (BHN)
I guess I never realised how differently their heads work to females, I totally underestimated the difference. I should have paid more attantion to the propaganda.
10. If you had to choose one thing to change about yourself what would it be. (BHN)
I would choose to be less sensitive and not get upset/emotional about things that I shouldn't really be upset about, and also I would like to worry less.
11. I have a question. How do you recover from a mistake so big it costs you your quality of life. Not just one of those small lessons we learn every day - something big. (Jimmy)
Well that's a very difficult question to answer, especially not knowing what the mistake was. I guess I can only just give advice and imagine what I'd do myself. And I have had experience recovering from big things, but again I have no idea if I'm thinking about the same scale as you. Firstly I would enlist some help/support. Find people who will stand by you no matter what. The kind of people you can yell at and yell at and they will still be around tomorrow - I find parents good for this. I'd also try and look at this thing from every possible angle. If it has made you aware of your failings, made you determined to become a better person, made you learn something, even if it has only hurt you it would have made you strong - all of these things are positive, and ultimately you'll end up being a better person for your mistake. Make sure you forgive yourself, that is extremely important - if you don't think you can do this you probably can, it may just be really hard. Once you've forgiven yourself things will start falling into place most likely. I there are other people involved apologise, sincerely. And make sure you focus on moving forward, don't focus on your mistake. Your focus determines your reality, your life really is what you focus on.
Highs and Lows
- I have an incredibly sore hand, it feels like it's bruised but you can see anything.
- I have a sore shoulder that is very bruised. That's not the worst part, the worst part is I got it from walking into a door handle. That's still not the worst part, the worst part is I do this kind of thing constantly.
- I have been plagued for the past four days by a very bad uncomfortable mouth ulcer.
- We have to weed the garden at the flat which is stupid. Very stupid.
- It's an incredibly gorgeous day which means poor Darren will get hot at work.
- I have a dirty finger and I can't figure out how it got that way, I'm blaming my car.
- It's an absolutely gorgeous day.
- There are daffodils flowering in our garden.
- My fresias are flowering!
- I have sewing tonight.
- I recently got paid.
- I had a lovely lovely evening with Fenia and Klava last night, we had coffee then watched Survivor and ate cheesecake.
- My mouth ulcer is finally going away!
Ok so it looked like the bad outweighs the good, but that is not at all the case. Because the good things have so much more weight. Also as Nick will no doubt point out it's ask Mindy day today.
Love from Little Miss Mindy
Monday, August 22, 2005
The Great Thing About Blogs

:-) Little Miss Mindy
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Morning Tea Time
I had a great weekend! Well it was great, but also kind of sad. On Friday I hung out with Darren, we watched Lara Croft. Which was good, as usual. I never mentioned but a week or a few weeks ago we watched Robocop which was pretty funny, as I'd never seen it.
Saturday I slept in :-) It was wonderful. Then Mum and I went to an auction just for fun, of a house. It was pretty interesting as I'd seen thousands on TV and stuff but never been to one in real life. The house was bought, for $637,500 which was quite a lot I thought. It was hard to believe the people there putting up their hands were in effect spending $600,000!
Then I picked up Lara from the airport. And we had Wonka bars, but neither of us won the golden ticket which was extremely disappointing as we'd already gone to the effort of making a deal that we would share the prize should we win. And I dropped her off to see her Dad, who is not very well at the moment (that is the sad part) but it was so nice to see Lara.
And I got to see Bridget as well (who went back to Nelson yesterday). The flat, Amy and Bridget went out for dinner to this Mexican restaurant which was nice, but they didn't give us much time to eat. Then we got out a dvd (Monster's Ball) and went to Mum and Dad's house to watch it and eat cheesecake, well more of a chocolate moussey thing really. (The reason we went to Mum and Dad's is because they have a movie theatre room, with Amy's projector in it). I enjoyed the movie, although the running commentary from my fellow viewers which made speical note of fake breasts and hairy butts was a little distracting, and did remove from the seriousness of the plot ;-) It was still good though.
On Sunday I mowed the lawns and planted some poppy seeds. And replanted some of my oregano plants. Also I got to see Lara again! We walked in the park and had an icecream. Well I had a milkshake and she had an icecream. And then I went to see Darren's family which was really fun. Jesse (Darren's nephew who is almost 3) is really stringing his sentences together now and it's so cute. We played cars - which mostly involved filling each car up with petrol from his little toy petrol pump, and hide and seek - which really just involved ducking behind a wall, or door then jumping out and saying boo! I really miss little kids. I've been around them my whole life with younger sisters and cousins. But now my littlest cousin is 6 or 7 I think so Jesse is the only toddler I ever get to see. Oh well. I think one of my cousins should do the decent thing and hurry up and have a bastard child for me to play with occasionally. Come on, it's not that much to ask!
Then Darren and I went out for dinner. I love going out for dinner with him. Because so often when we're together we're just plonked infront of a movie or the TV and it's nice being face to face and talking about random stuff for ages. Then we watched CSI something which I never watched before, for some reason I've always avoided those programs, but I actually really enjoyed it.
Ok that's what happened in my life. Hope yours is good too!
:-) Love from Little Miss Mindy
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Well I got trolleyed last night. And no I didn't get completely drunk and make a fool of myself, I quite literally got trolleyed. That is I got home from sewing and found a trolley in my room. Full of some interesting things, as you can see above. My chair, Patrick (my cushion donkey), O'Neill, my washing + basket, lamp etc. Adorning the trolley are some lovely signs. Now these signs you can't read but I found them on my door on Saturday night, and they say "Mindy is a wonderful flatmate", "Mindy is the best cousin ever", and "Mindy is so beautiful and intelligent and funny". Ok I'm lying they might actually say something about a goat and walrus and gerbilling, but we don't need to go into that.
Now why was there a trolley with my stuff in it in my room? Well my first conclusion was that it was an unsubtle hint that my flatmates wanted me out (I mean they had packed half my stuff). But that was denied, and I have since concluded there is absolutely no reason for the trolley - it is something beyond the realms of rational understanding. You really have to dig deep into your crazy but once there you can really appreciate magnificence of such a gesture.
:-) M
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Well it probably depends a lot on the guy and a lot of the girl. Probably mostly on the girl. And on her mood. And on the context of her day. For example if I was out and I'd been hit on by 6 sleazy guys and was sick of my butt getting slapped I'd probably shoot down the next guy who approached me, quite severely. Not fair on him, I know, but that's life. Whereas if I was having a lovely evening with friends, and hadn't been pestered or violated yet, and someone politely approached me it would be probably be fine. This is all of course assuming I was single, now I shoot down everyone ;-)
2. What is the worst thing a guy has ever said to you? (BHN)
Well I should exclude things yelled at me in the middle of heated arguments. But the worst thing a guy who I didn't really know has said to me... actually I can't remember the exact wording but there was this gross Aussie guy at the Bog once, and he was being way too intimate for my comfort, so just before getting rid of him I decided to try and distract him and asked him if he was enjoying NZ, he said he was but he wished the girls weren't all such prudes. I left very promptly after that. And also the worst pick up line ever used was this gross Brazillian guy who was telling me how he's been in New Zealand for awhile and he really needed to kiss a kiwi girl. He was actually scarey as shortly after that he started overpowering my physcially, and Lara had to twist his arm behind his back to get him to let me go. Anyway.
3. Ok there here is a question for you, what proportion of the male population is bars would grab your ass as they are trying to chat you up? (BHN)
Ok that's easy. Very small percentage. Probably that Aussie guy did it. But otherwise I don't think it's happened. People smack your ass as you walk past - and I guess if you then turned and encouraged them with a smile they might try and chat you up, but they wouldn't touch your ass while doing it. Of course the whole thing is different if you are dancing while being chatted up. But even then it would only be a small sleazy percentage that would go for the ass without clear signals that it's ok to do so (and by clear signals, that'd mean some skanky dancing on the girl's part, or maybe the girl touching the guy's ass first, or maybe kissing or somthing). So yeah in my experience guys don't go for the ass unless dancing, and only when the nature of dancing has implied that it's ok.
4. Name one real and one imaginery person who you would want to have a threesome with (Amy)
Um ok. Weird question to come from Amy I must say, and maybe other people would like to answer this one too. Anyway real person would be Darren and the imaginary person would be Lara Croft.
5. Would you rather give or recieve? (BHN)
It depends entirely on what you're talking about, but generally I'd have to say I'd rather give. Except for foot massages, I'd rather get one of those. And also I'd rather get a Bounty Bar than give one away, although when I go manage to give one to someone I do get warm fuzzies when I realise I care about that person enough to sacrifice the delicious coconutty sweetness and smooth chocolate that is a bounty bar.
6. Have you ever grabbed a guys ass first? (BHN)
7. Why is it that work goes slowly sometimes when you're enjoying yourself there? But not sufficiently enjoying yourself to be glad it was going slowly? (Lara Croft)
Well Lara, I must say this happens to me often. And I don't know the answer. I guess there is no real reason, because sometimes work goes quickly when you're enjoying yourself, and sometimes it goes quickly when you're not enjoying yourself. It must be influenced a bit by emotional factors too.
8. Why is that sometimes it's not what people say but their tone of voice that's really upsetting? (Lara Croft)
Because their tone puts a whole new meaning on what they are saying. You can say the nicest thing in the world and say it in a horrible voice and it becomes a horrible thing to say. Also some people (like you and me) and more sensitive to things like tone body language than other people are - that just makes us cooler and experience things on a deeper level.
9. Why do is it so hard not to cry sometimes? (Lara Croft)
Because it just is. And that's ok :-) Sometimes you just have to cry and let yourself be irrational for a minute or five and then once you've finished work hard on improving your outlook on whatever situation you found yourself crying about.
10. What causes bowel cancer? (Lara Croft)
I don't know Lara. I'm really sorry. You are only supposed to ask me questions I know the answer to, or it will be funny if I make up an answer, or I can give my opinion on. But I'm sorry I don't know what causes bowel cancer. Maybe just bad luck.
11. Why is it that 62 seems old when they look like David Lange, and you think 'oh they're old, it's natural to die' but when it's your Dad it seems so young? (Lara Croft)
Personally I thought David Lange looked a lot older than 62 - like he looked the same age or older than my Grandad I think and he is seventy-something - so that might be why you and me may think it was natural and not before his time. But really I think 62 is young for anyone. Also it is the way you perceive your Dad. He's always going to be your Dad first, and his age second, I don't even know how old my Dad is. You just peceive ages of people you know in different ways. Like Darren sister Kelly is his little sister, so I feel like she's younger than me. But she's actually older than me.
12. Why am I so indecisive? (Lara Croft)
Because you are an optimist and so many different options often look appealing to you, whereas a more negative person may find it easier to instantly rule out things.
13. And finally, why do I never know any answers at pub quizzes even though I read a lot? (Lara Croft)
Because pub questions don't come out of the books you read. Hehe. Actually I still have no idea how you got to be 21 and not know who Hugh Heffner was!
14. Why is it that when girls are drunk they think they can get away with so much more? (like biting) (BHN)
I think it's probably more that they are too inhibited to do it sober, and so when they're drunk they lose their inhibitions a little. Also doesn't everyone think they can get away with so much more when they're drunk.
15. Why do women fish for compliments? (BHN)
Well I can only speak for myself. But I love compliments! Also I'm insecure. But I do know men who fish for compliments too though. But I will admit for some women it's second nature - and fishing for compliments is like manipulation 101 or something and I do think in general women are more manipulative.
16. How can women bawl their eyes out and then be completely fine after that... like it didn't happen at all? (BHN)
Because crying makes you feel better. Because you let yourself be irrational for a minute or two and that's when the tears come. Then you have to move on with life and start thinking rationally again. Like last week when I was having my car problems, and Dad's car just wouldn't start. So I started bawling. Then composed myself again and tried the car a few more times and it worked. Women just need to be allowed to be completely irrational and run totally on emotion every now and then. However, I will say that sometimes I do bawl my eyes out and it takes me days to get back to normal, although that wouldn't be about a car.
17. Why is getting your ass grabbed so much better than your breasts? (BHN)
Because ass grabbing is inappropriate, but breast grabbing is way more inappropriate. The breasts are more intimate than the ass. Like you might be dancing with someone and it's natural for them to put their hands on your butt, but breast touching is usually reserved for sexual partners, not just random guys in bars. Although some women may not agree.
18. Who has the best voice in rock n roll? (now i don't mean who's songs do you like the best, i mean who has the best voice) (BHN)
Awesome question. I will need to think about this at length. Straight off the top of my head I would say Robert Plant. But then of course it depends on personal preference. I will think about this and let you know if I change my mind.
19. Why is it that you can have nothing to do ALL day and then just before you have to go somewhere all this work appears out of no where? (BHN)
Shit happens.
20. Oh and lastly was Snufelupicus really Big Birds imaginary friend? (BHN)
No he was real!
21. Is it vain when you come up with a joke and then absolutely crack up over it all lunch time because you think it is absolute gold? (Andrew)
No, you're really funny, you probably just couldn't help but crack up. To try and stop yourself would be an exercise in futility.
22. What i ment by "Why is it that when girls are drunk they think they can get away with so much more?" was that women get real manipulative and evil and try stuff on so much more when they are drunk. Such as fishing for compliments, getting guys to but them drinks, leading guys on then throwing them away when it gets too intimate, physically hitting and biting... etc. Now i know your thinking that you would never do most of that but the fact is that whether its PDA or behaving badly, women on the whole seem to think that as they have had a few drinks they can get away with so much more and guys won't get annoyed... why is that? (BHN)
Physically hitting guys I haven't done, but probably all the rest I have. But not to be evil. And if dancing with someone but then getting rid of them when they try and stick their hands down your pants is leading them on then I don't care if it is considered evil. I think you should be able to dance with someone without feeling violated. But to answer your question it I guess it might not be so much that girls are drunk, but that they're out on the town and so those things don't happen in other situations apart from sleazy bar situations or party situations. And also if they are drunk they probably won't be thinking as clearly as they would be otherwise.
23. How come no one else talked to snuffelupicus then? (BHN)
Didn't they? I don't remember? I'm sure I saw some of the humans talk to him.
24. Why are there so many more male rock singers than female? (BHN)
Well I know people will disgree with me but I don't really like female vocalists on rock songs. I think they sound silly. I just don't like listening to it as much as a male's voice.
25. How do you know if a girl is interested in you if she's all the way on the other side of the bar? (BHN)
She will move closer. So either you take the risk and just go talk to her, or you move a bit closer, and see if she does the same.
26. Whats the worst thing you've seen a girl do to a guy? (BHN)
Just be a completely irrational bitch and holding up him and a big group of his friends because of a tantrum she was throwing.
27. What is the worst thing you've seen a guy do to a girl? (BHN)
Pick her up and throw her down to the ground.
28. and lastly what is your favourite fruit? (BHN)
Oranges, but they're too much effort so sometimes pears.

Well I went bowling last night. And this is what it would have looked like if I did get a strike. I think it was the first time I've been for 10 years. Although I could be wrong... and I might have gone once and just not remembered it. But anyway for the last ten years I refused every offer of bowling because I have one of those wussy personalities that absolutely hates looking stupid, or below par. But anyway maybe by 23 I'm over it... who knows. The point is it was really fun.
There's this bowling competition for work on Thursday and my group has entered a team, so the purpose of the bowling trip was to give them some practice, and the purpose of me being there was to make them look good, which I convincely did. Although I only got last in one of the two games. But anyway it just emphasizes the fact that the right people are on the team. And let me tell you Simon, Shiree and Earl all bowled strikes for their first ball... so they're looking pretty good!
Anyway have a nice Wednesday.
:-) M
Monday, August 15, 2005
I was Right!
Anyway yesterday I had lunch with Kon and Nick - which was great! I hadn't seen either of them in ages so it was very nice. And then after dinner I went round to Kim's and caught us with her, Lennon, Rach and Bridget briefly. Bridge is down from Nelson for a course, so was great to see her too!
Well here's a funny picture Kirsty sent me although I can't figure out why the female didn't go into Gap. I would have. Maybe. I'm not too clued up about American clothing stores though. In fact if I went to a mall the shop I'd most often go to would be the games shop - and that's because Darren drags me in there. Other than that the Warehouse. And maybe a longing gaze at a jewelry shop window. So there you go.

Sunday, August 14, 2005
Better Week
The weekend was ok, I got my headache back a bit on Friday evening, but was ok the rest of the weekend. Friday night saw Sarah briefly at Rach's, briefly only in that I didn't get to talk to her very much, but always the case with a group of people like that. Saturday I watched movies, and did some sewing, also bought a pattern for a jacket from Spotlight, it's going to be challenging. Saturday night was the Law Revue at Uni, it was pretty funny.
So yeah anyone living in Christchurch it's my fault there was a frost last night. You see a while ago Dad and I and Andrew put up a car shelter/tent thing so my car would be protected from forsts and dew. Now ever since we put it up there hasn't been a frost until last night, when I was staying at Darren's so of course my car got completely frosted. So yeah if anyone ever needs a frost for a specific reason let me know and I'll park my car away from the shelter, or if anyone specially doesn't want a frost on a certain day I'll park my car under the shelter.
Have a nice week all!
:-) M
Thursday, August 11, 2005
The Perfect Dress
Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen herexcitement - not even her parents' nasty divorce. Her mother had foundthe PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best dressedMother-of-the-Bride ever!
A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's newyoung wife had bought the exact same dress! Jennifer asked her to exchange it, but she refused. "Absolutely not. I look like a millionbucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it", she replied.
Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, "Never mind sweetheart,I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day."
A few days later they went shopping and did find another gorgeous dress.When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, "Are you goingto return the other dress? You really don't have other occasion whereyou could wear it."
Jennifer's mother just smiled and replied, "Of course I do dear. I'mwearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding!"
Oh also I've surprised myself twice in the last week by giving away half of my Bounty Bars. Now Bounty Bars are my favourite chocolate bar ever and I've had two - no three - since Saturday. And I always eat one half first and then save the other half for awhile. Twice now I have given away my second half... which has been incredibly hard to do both times... but I'm sure the people involved appreciate it - you know who you are. So yeah if you want to find out if I love you then a sure way to find out is asking me for the remaining half of a Bounty if I give it to you I definitely love you, if I don't then either I don't love you or I just really really want it! :-)
Another Update
Sorry the blog was down for an hour for planned maintenance... nothing to do with me but I guess it was from 1-2.
Anyway my week has turned sour AGAIN. NOT FAIR!
I was driving to have lunch with Konstantin which I had been looking forward to SO much, when my stupid muffler came off my stupid car. (Which was supposed to have been fixed a couple of weeks ago). So of course I don't know anything about cars, and I'm sitting on Memorial Ave wondering what to do, and so I ring my Daddy who is Auckland today who tells me to take the muffler off. Now it is so heartwarming how many people stop and offer assistance when they see a young woman looking puzzled bending under the back of her car. NONE. Bunch of stupid miserable losers. I can't believe that. You Christchurch people SUCK.
So anyway I did get it off myself (because I'm brilliant) although I dropped it on my finger which now really REALLY hurts (I know I know that wasn't quite so brilliant). And then Dad said I could borrow their spare car (I'm very lucky they have spares) and so I drove carefully round the corner to Mum and Dad's to get the Pajero. Now this just refuses to start. I'd been very brave up until this point but then I just did one of my girly sobbing sessions for about 2 minutes. It's not my fault, and I know there was nothing really bad, but just you know one thing after another and then it gets to you. And I'm still not sleeping and I'm missing Darren terribly at the moment. But then I stopped crying and eventually got the car started and washed my hands, and now I'm back at work. The Pajero is so strange to drive, you feel like you're riding an elephant the way if wobbles round. Although it's a lot nicer to drive over the judder bars at work!
And that is the end of my story.
And how in the world does my getting a tattoo affect anyone else!?
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Random Thoughts/ Observations
- They are cutting all these lovely big trees down in the paddock next to my office building.
- Lawrence of Arabia is an odd film thus far (thus far is about half an hour through it).
- Born to storm on boredom's face, add a little lust to the funky ass Flea bass.
- There were mushrooms growing in my potplant at work (and no not magic ones).
- We haven't had a frost since Dad and I put up a gazebo for my car to be protected from frosts.
- I have nine small sores on my two hands (mostly from sewing last night).
- This year is Disneyland's 50th anniversary (if anyone wants to go with Amy on the 16h of December let her know).
- I love my job 75% of the time, the rest of the time I'm bored - I'm happy with those proportions.
- On Tuesday night we had Chili chicken which was too hot for Kirsty and Andrew but I thought it was delicious.
- The carpets at my work are very red.
- Aid is a very tricky thing to give so it actually makes a positive rather than a negative difference (on the international scale).
- There are no monks in my band.
- I have very tight hamstrings and have no show of touching my toes... but I've set up a foot rest at work so I can stretch them out while working!
- I prefer writing with a pencil, I just love the scratchy sound it makes and it feels more romantic.
- Yesterday I had my headphones on for a good half before realising I'd forgotten to turn any music on.
:-) M
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Bright Side
You'll all be really glad to know I've decided to look on the bright side. And do so with another numbered list.
1) My car wasn't stolen which is great considering I hadn't locked it.
2) My jacket that was in the front of the car wasn't stolen either.
3) My eftpos, driver's licence and cash were in my jacket that could have easily been taken.
4) My visa was for no real reason, just good luck, sitting at home on my dresser rather than in my wallet.
5) I forgot to take my normal shoes to the gym so I was still wearing my gym shoes, which would have been taken with the bag if I hadn't been wearing them.
6) My rings - which would have been the worst of all things to lose because of their sentimental value - were also in the pocket of the jacket.
7) My Mum and Dad are really lovely and replaced my toiletries for me.
So really it could have been a lot worse! Also Mum told me that one of her old workmates was just over in Europe, and at the very end of their trip they had all the stuff out of their car including all their gifts for everyone and their tickets stolen. So really I just feel very sorry for them.
Although I still didn't sleep last night, and Bradley is still shitting in my potplants :-(
Ok have a nice day.
Love from
Monday, August 08, 2005
Life Sucks
1) Didn't sleep AT ALL on Sunday night
2) Work was actually the good part of my day
3) Gym was ok but I forgot my inhaler, actually I've lost it, so I got asthma
4) Went to Darren's on the way home where we argued
5) Drove home
6) Went to get my gym bag out of the car... oops it's not there. Oh no neither is the box of burbon I'd recently bought.
I hate people. Oh yeah if you didn't figure it out the stuff was stolen out of my car. At first you just think oh it's my gym bag not a huge deal. But then you realise little by little all the things that were actually in there. Like:
1) All my toiletries
2) $60 bra
3) My wallet thankfully I had all my cards with me so don't need to replace any
4) Then I realised shit my CD player was in there
5) Then... even worse... my Live on Two Legs Pearl jam CD was in the player
6) And so were my rechargable batteries
7) Then to top it all off as I was walking in here this morning I realised my $150 bottle of Christian Dior perfume was in there too.
Please answer the questions from yesterday if you haven't and thanks to everyone who has for their thoughts.
I'm going to get on with the best part of my day... work before I go home and lie on my bed till I fall asleep.
ps Thanks Eddie Vedder for your comments, it gave me a lot to think about, it's very appreciated :-) Funny how you think you know everything you need to know to be who you want to be but then you realise you don't but I guess as long as we keep learning that's the most important thing.

I have some questions for everyone. I wants lots of opinions... although I'll be surprised if I get many.
1) Can you love someone and hate them at the same time? For example a teenager having a fight with their parent obviously at that moment they hate their parent. Do they only hate them and then switch to loving them again later? Or do they hate them and love them at the same time? I find this interesting because the most negative energy (hate I guess) I ever feel towards anyone is always people I love the most, like best friends, family, partners. If you're not that close to me I'm just not going to get emotional hurt or feel strongly negative towards you. I personally think hate and love are very strongly connected, and I'd like to think that hate and love can coexist towards the same person.
2) Does unconditional love actually exist on earth or is it just a nice concept? For example if you love someone, you might say you love them unconditionally, but then if they cheated on you would you still love them? I don't know - I think it goes back to the can you hate them and love them at the same time question. If you can hate and love at the same time then maybe unconditional love does exist. If you can't then I think if unconditional love exists it may only be in a parent-child relationship, not to say that all parents love their children unconditionally, but I think mine do.
3) Does anyone else think the Pearl Jam song Help Help sounds a lot like the songs on Dave Navarro's trust no one? I do.
:-) M
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
50 Random Facts
1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but haven't bought any in the past 8 months
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have never kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I only have my restricted drivers license (I have had it for over 3 years now!)
15. I have lived my whole life in Christchurch
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school.
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch, and I flat with my two wonderful cousins Kirsty and Andrew)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I also love porridge.
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I try to go to the gym every morning, in reality I end up going about three mornings a week.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2005 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (6 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch the Wild Thornberries because I love it.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have no scars.
35. I am addicted to diet coke and trying to cut down.
36. I hate peas! But I don't really mind the taste of them.
37. I also hate apples... I just don't like them!
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my Ovation Guitar.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am getting over a fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)
And finally....
50. I have over 17 pairs of shoes
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Dear Nick, again this is difficult for me to answer as I would happily make the first move if:
a) I was sure the guy was interested
b) I really liked him and even if he wasn't obviously interested I thought he could be
c) I knew that there was less than 10% chance of being rejected
I think the last point in the vital one. So yeah sometimes the girl may be clueless that the guy is interested. With most guys it's so obvious so that when someone slightly more subtle comes along you just assume they're not interested. But I'd say mostly it'd be the fear or rejection/looking silly. But then again I'm not the best person to ask. I've made moves on guys before and can't remember an instance where I was interested in someone and didn't make a move on them. And also almost without a gap I've been in 2 long term relationships over the past 5 years, so I haven't done a lot of dating.
2. What is the most flattering thing a guy has ever said to you mindy? - BHN
Well that's a pretty personal question I can't tell you the most flattering as I feel that would be a bit disloyal to the person who said it. So this is going to sound silly but it'd haven't to be "You're so beautiful"... I know that's a bit uninventive but I've always been self conscious about my looks, growing up with glasses and "beauty spots" on my face, and to be told that by someone who I believed when they said it was pretty flattering. Oh someone also once told me they loved the way I kissed and I was pretty flattered by that.
Also aren't personal associations you make in your head interesting? Personally I very frequently go through intense periods of listening to certain songs or CDs. And so I associate the songs or albums to a specific memory from that time oh and also people. For example:
Live - The Distance to Here - driving from Port Underwood to Picton
Pearl Jam - Hail Hail - For some reason I can't remember it reminds me of Dunedin
RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik - on holiday with my friends at Akaroa in the summer after 7th form
RHCP - One Hot Minute - Reminds me of walking around the Hill at Church Bay
Pearl Jam - Off he goes - the first time I fell in love
John Frusciante - Shadows Collide with people - falling in love the second time
The Mars Volta - Some of the Deloused songs and the Tremulant EP - house sitting for my Granddad when I was in 3rd year cosc and Lara
Led Zeppelin - II - Driving to Lake Selfe for a camping holiday
There's also thousands more... but those were just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. And I'm guessing in the future I'll associate any REM song with being here at work! It's nice because I always make positive associations. I'm always happy to be reminded of the time/place/person again.
:-) M

Wow check out my biorhythms for today! They're great! No wonder I'm having such a good day. If you want to check yours go to: Daily Biorhythm .
This is the House That Darren Built
Here is a nice view of the houses.
And here is another nice view of them.
Don't they look pretty in the setting sun?
Wow look in this one you can see my car! Which is the only reason I included it. Isn't my car great? It's the one on the right. :-)
Monday, August 01, 2005
I'm back
So last Friday was Food Friday at work... and I got to talk to Adam... in person! Woo wee. That was pretty funny. And then on Friday I had a very early night. Saturday Darren and I hung out and well Sunday I can't remember what I did. It probably involved tidying my room. And oh yeah I went to Spotlight. And yesterday was the best day by far... I sorted out all my plants, and then I spent the day sewing and watching Stargate and then when I'd watched all the Stargates I watched Scrubs. :-)
Hope you all had a nice weekend and a nice day at work yesterday (haha!).
:-) M