Friday, November 30, 2007
Rome Tomorrow
Come on, guess...
Oh ok I'll tell you, I'm at Tamworth, actually now I'm not now I'm somewhere else. I am infact on a train back home on the way the Doncaster writing my Friday blog and watching Scrubs. Do I feel cool. Yes, yes I do. Why I'm not exactly sure but still. It's just cool that I'm using the trip to watch my show!
So in about an hour and a half I'll be back in Doncaster, my plans for the afternoon are to say hello to Darren and then maybe walking down to my outlet mall and buying these really cheap good shoes I saw last weekend, I need some new walking shoes for Rome, as my running shoes are really wearing out.
Well I'm glad I went to Milton Keynes as the World Vision people I work with were so lovely and it was great to meet them, and probably good for them to meet me too, though I am so glad to be going home. And I managed to see almost none of Milton Keynes which is very lazy of me, though I did like the pub we went to last night for dinner. Trisha ordered pheasant and gave me a mouthful to try so I got to try pheasant for the first time... it was interesting but I wouldn't say my favourite. I also had a delicious white chocolate raspberry tart for desert which was delicious!
I'm excited about eating in Rome! Though I'm a little concerned understandably about eating too much. Any my blog will have a break for a few days while in Rome, because I'll be doing what the Romans do. Hahah. Get it? But I promise to write a big update when I get back and no doubt Darren will take about 500 photos!
Have a good week everyone!
The Pudding Club
Sorry the details are sketchy, I'll probably do some research on this for the future but don't have time right now. Anyway there is this restaurant somewhere here in the UK, Cotswold I think. And once a month or something like that they have something called the pudding club. You pay a set price and have a small dinner - you choose one of three option - then then they bring out the puddings! There is about seven, each is presented and has it's own special introduction describing it then the idea is you try a portion of each pudding at a time. The catch is though that you can't go back up if you still have something left in your bowl. You can see then that you'd need a smart strategy to make it through all the deserts! If you don't have the one you like the most early on, you might not have room for it at the end, but then if you have it first you've already had the best! The trick would be to have as tiny a portions as possible I think to get through them all then go back for more of the ones you really like. Obviously it would all depends on your stomach capacity too!
I love puddings these days! When I was younger I didn't have as much of a sweet tooth but I've definitely developed one!
Love Mindy
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Better Mood
I didn't have a very good day today... but despite that I'm in a much better mood tonight that I was yesterday. Though I'm starting to get tired, I stayed up late last night watching Scrubs. Scrubs is awesome!
Despite having a good day I still can't think of things to say.
I could write a list of things I want for Christmas... but there's not really anything (apart from gold earrings, and also an iron). Maybe I should just buy myself the iron. Don't get me wrong I'm not going to start ironing my clothes, so don't worry about that, but I do need it to iron my jersey when I finish knitting it! I should be there soon, I've finished another sleeve... well the first sleeve.
With everyone coming for Christmas I'm thinking about what food to cook, mostly for desert as dinner will just be normal stuff like meat, veges, tatoes, etc. And as everyone will be there I know they won't be expecting me to do anything but I'm so excited about it I just want to! I love cooking and stuff, and provided I have time I'll probably make stuff for desert. I think I'll make a pavlova, I've never made one before but I should be able to, or I might make merienges as I've never made them either and I haven't had them for such a long time! Also I'm very tempted to make the apple cake thing we had at our gym party the other week, I've got the recipe. Hehe might be a good idea to do a trial run with a compulsory taste test!
Well done to everyone who's taken part in Movember! I'm sure you all had awesome mos. And to those at Jade have a fun time at the Movember bbq on Friday! Darren didn't grow a mo but a whole beard! I loved it, I'm a facial hair fan. I think he quite liked not shaving too, but it's funny because facial hair is even less common in Doncaster than in Christchurch, when we were out on Saturday night I did not see one man with any facial hair and I was really paying attention.
Well two nights in Milton Keynes, one night in Doncaster then three nights in Rome!
I can't wait for Christmas! It's almost very nearly December! Woo! Hey I should buy an advent calendar!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Boring Post
Today at work was ok. Not much to report there.
And since there's nothing else in my life at the moment then that's it.
Ok I'll try and think of something else to say. Oh yeah I thought of something, I saw something really cool today and I want one! Though I don't really need one! What it was was a little rear view mirror on someone's monitor - such a good idea so you can see who is coming up behind you or who is looking at your screen!
Man I used way too many exclamation marks in that paragraph.
I miss everyone at the moment quite a lot. I miss the people in my life in Christchurh - I think when we first moved away people tried to keep in touch more but now they're used to us not being there so it's phased out a bit, which I suppose is understandable. But it's hard to feel like they just don't care anymore when I'm still thinking about them just as much as ever.
Ok I'm going to stop moping now and watch another episode of Scrubs.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Away for the week
Well I'm sitting here in my holiday inn express hotel room in Milton Keynes settling in for the night. I'm doing two things that I haven't really done before. One is drinking a cup of tea, and two is watching Coronation Street. Ok sorry I changed channel I decided I still don't really want to get into Coronation Street, but I've still got my tea! Instead I'm watching one of the many quiz shows on TV here. They're good though, they actually have what I classify as intelligent questions. Intelligent questions are ones where I can answer or guess about a fifth correctly.
Today I got and packed and was at the train station (courtesy of my love) waiting for my train at 7.40. I had to get three trains to get here, I feel like I've tripped over the country! My first train went to Sheffield first which feels like back tracking when going South, though it's not really! I went to Derby first then Birmingham then here Milton Keynes. This is my first business trip that I've done completely on my own bat so I feel quite grown up hehe... though I guess I was in Melbourne myself... though I didn't book any of that. Also in Melbourne I had a kitchen and didn't have to eat in a restaurant by myself this time I do. I managed ok today but that waits (for someone to take your order, bring your order, take your plate, bring the bill, bring your change) are more annoying when you're by yourself. Tomorrow I might take a book which I haven't seen anyone else do, but I don't really care!
Oooh yay! The university challenge is on. Now these questions are more than intelligent I can only ever answer like one! The program I was watching before I found out was called Mastermind if you're interested.
I must have someone else to talk about. I had lamb steak for tea. It was weird, it was apparently grilled but it was the same colour all the way through so I think it was pre-cooked. Which I don't mind as I'm not fussy about food, it was just weird as I only ever normally have roast lamb. I then had a chocolate popcorn cheesecake for desert, I don't think I should have desert again, just have it as a treat for the first night.
Ok well sorry that was boring. I'm bored though so it was fitting.
Oh wait I thought of something, Darren and I watched Apocalypto last night and I quite liked it - it wasn't phenomenal but was enjoyable! It had subtitles but there wasn't a huge amount of talking, and that actually worked out ok as our sound got out of sync with the picture during the film.
Ok goodnight (don't be confused by the time, I'm writing this offline and will be posting it when I get to work in the morning!).
Love from Mindy
ps Miss you Darren!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas Tree!
Well two things. Firstly I put up our Christmas tree last night, then put all the presents round underneath it! Aren't we spoiled with all the things we've been sent! The three large cardboard boxes the tree is sitting on is what they were sent in!

Secondly as mentioned yesterday Darren and I went out for dinner. Dinner was lovely. The even better thing was going out afterwards! We went to dinner at 6pm then finished up just after 7pm, and went out to a pub which was already filled with people! By about 7.30 they turned the music on, 8pm we went to a different pub which was almost packed by the time we left there at 9pm. We then went to a couple more bars all were totally full! People dancing and everything. By 11 we'd been out for 4 hours, had a few drinks, had a bit of a boogie, seen girls in all the different costumes you could imagine, police, nurses, devils, prisoners (they seem to like dressing up over here!) and went home and were in bed by 11.30 :) So great for oldies like us - a full night out without having to have a late night. It was just amazing how quickly things got going in town and how many people were out!
Other observations: the guys didn't really dress up much at all, but the girls dressed up all the way. I mean parades of teeny tiny party frocks! And have I mentioned how cold it is outside these girls didn't have coats! I can't believe how hard core that is! Um drinks were not that expensive at all, neither was the taxi. Hmmm what else... oh yeah guys are weird. Darren and I were totally indulging in people watching, and he was commenting on some hot girls who were apparently the hottest ones in the bar. Talking to him later he didn't like their makeup thought it was all wrong, didn't like their dresses... but still they were the hottest! Weird eh? Makes you realise all that dressing up and making up girls do for guys probably is totally unnecessary!
Off to Milton Keynes tomorrow... it will be good to meet the World Vision people but it'll be a bit lonely having a week in a hotel by myself! But then when I get back it's Rome here we come!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
In other news Darren and I went out for a lovely Italian meal.
Ok bed time now.
Good night!
Friday, November 23, 2007
In Bed Early

Well it's not even 8pm and I'm in bed already. All tucked um with a hottie and my pjs and also my jersey. The reason... our boiler is broken again! This means no hot water and no heating. This is particularly wonderful on a night where it's below freezing outside!
Otherwise I'm good. It's the weekend, we're finally going out tomorrow night to experience Doncaster's nightlife! This time we're not missing it as we've got reservations for dinner though given the temperature I'll have to make sure I take a jacket. Though actually tomorrow it's going to rain and it's not as cold in the rain.
I don't really have much news. We booked out hotel for Rome, got a pretty good deal actually I think. I'm getting even more excited now. It's going to be a lonely week away for work but at least Rome to look forward to at the end! And then Budapest the weekend after woo!
I'm watching the 5th season of scrubs now, so funny.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Back Again!
I went away for two days. Well I didn't write, did ya notice? I know some of you did (hi Susannah!).
Today was notable for two reasons.
1) I got to use my umbrella for a second time.
2) Actually just the umbrella thing, but it didn't feel right saying it was notable for only one reason.
I really love porridge. Haha trying to write love made me realise my v key was stuck down, it's fixed now so I'm lucky I decided to write that. Even though it wasn't a very profound thing to write, and indeed is something I've written many times before!
Darren and I have been watching Lexx which is a weird sci fi from the late 1990s. It's funny because I didn't know anything about it, but Darren used to watch it on TV. I was saying to him it's quite odd for a sci fi hi explicitly sexual it was, (this was something I'd read about it, and noticed myself in the first episode) and he denied that. Then we watched it some more and there was full female nudity! He was shocked and realised that a lot of that stuff must have been edited out for tv. Anyway it's very bizarre, so if you like bizarre weird sci fi you might like it. Or if you like nude females.
Tonight we are hopefully watching the second feature of the Tarantino-Rodriguez double feature Grindhouse. We watched Death Proof and I loved it, tonight it Planet Terror.
Ok goodbye!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Race Results
Anyway today was a lazy day though very busy as work, a couple of big problems that I happily dealt with. I love it when things go wrong and things need doing quickly. I love working reactively, I love the pressure and find it more interesting as there's normally something very strange going on if bugs get all the way to the user without being detected. So yeah I like fixing urgent things.
I also love porridge, I'm having it for desert.
Sorry this isn't very long I have to go and watch Grey's Anatomy now.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Race Day!
Today was race day. It was a bit sad doing a race without supporters (Dad is the best cheerleader - he makes sure he knows the course and will pop up several times to cheer you on), but regardless it was fun. Though huge thanks to Darren for driving me out on such a horrible day and missing out from meeting up with Jeremy on xbox. Thanks hun! But like I said I said it was fun! Eventually. Did I mention we haven't had much rain here, until today that is!

Everyday last week was sunny, or at least had no rain, then of course look at the horrible grey picture for race day! As an aside I can really see how things flood badly here, it only started raining in the middle of last night, and all through the race course were huge puddles!
Anyway not only was it raining, but freezing cold. When I got out of the car ten minutes before the race (leaving it to the last possible minute) I have never been as cold before in my life. Well ok I'm sure I have, but that's the kind of thing that's hard to measure. The wind was bitingly cold. I had a t-shirt on and at the last minute decided on a long sleeved top underneath, I was very glad I did!
Anyway the run itself was brilliant. It was so cool, first you ran through the little town streets then the rest of it was nice wee country lanes. The really weird thing was it was a 10km race, so logically you'd assume you may have markers every kilometer or maybe every 2 km. Not so, the race had markers each mile! Luckily I knew about this before hand. I still thought it was funny. It does make sense though as a lot of runners would only be used to thinking and timing themselves in miles over here.
There were also 3 nice wee hills in the race. Having only ever done events in Christchurch before (which is flat!) I wasn't expecting that, and it was hard! But fun! I should try and add some hills into my training.
Now it's back to a warm home (and bath) a yummy lunch of nachos and an afternoon veg-ing out.
Hope everyone else had a nice weekend!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New Boots
Today was also second Christmas Cake day. I am happy to report that it is safely wrapped in a tea towel all in one piece cooling. And the first Christmas cake is almost gone now! I love fruit cake, we should have it all year round!
Um not much else to report, I'm excited about my run tomorrow, I'll be letting everyone know how it goes.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Also there's a big charity event over here at the moment to raise money for children, by the BBC. Part of it is our gym had a challenge to do 160km in the first 16 days of November - running, swimming, biking, whatever, I didn't do it but today at the gynm we went to support the people finishing, and our gym instructor Mark made a delicious cake for the occasion! It was so delicious - I'm going to make one soon, it was called Bustrengo. I've looked into it and it's a recipe from San Marino. Really nice.
Ok that's all, it is Friday night afterall!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Scarf Finished!
I decided last week I needed a scarf because it was so cold walking to work. So I got online and ordered some wool, it arrived on Saturday and so I started knitting! Now my scarf is totally finished and I wore it to work today. I love the pattern a lot, and I absolutely loved the wool, it was so fun to knit with (it was Debbie Bliss Soho), but I'm not sure I like the colours. The colours look fantastic together as you can see them mixed up in the tassles, they all go well, but I'm not sure how well the blocks of colour go together. None the less it still looks quite good on, and it's nice and warm so overall I'm happy with it. Did I mention I absolutely loved the wool!
Not that many of my readers knit, but if they do here's a link to the pattern: Noro Scarf

Ok bye!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
About Me Version 2
November 2007:
1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but have bought less than 10 in the past three years
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I have my full driver's licence!
15. I have lived most of my life in Christchurch New Zealand, but now live in Doncaster, United Kingdom
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch and my cousins Kirsty and Andrew are two of my best friends)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I LOVE porridge
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I go to the gym or go for a run every single weekday at lunchtime with some workmates.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2007 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (8 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch Everybody love Raymond because I don't like watching news in the morning and that's the only thing that's on.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have one scar on my leg that I got from a burn caused from sap of a giant hogweed reacting with uv ray
35. I am addicted to diet coke and coke zero and trying to cut down
36. I like peas, but they're not my favourite vegetable
37. I do like apples! But I like them more when they are cut up.
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my engagement ring.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am over my fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)
And finally....
50. I have over 30 pairs of shoes
August 2005:
1. I am left-handed
2. I have a birthmark the shape of Spain on my back
3. My natural hair colour is medium-brown
4. I studied Law for two years before deciding I wanted to do Computer Science
5. I have over 100 CDs but haven't bought any in the past 8 months
6. I can do this really cool thing with my tongue, but I can't explain it. It's like rolling it but better!
7. I have never been to hospital as a patient
8. I adore Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals
9. I have only had two boyfriends
10. I have kissed about 30 people
11. I have never kissed a girl
12. I am allergic to some cats, but not others
13. I skipped a year at primary school
14. I only have my restricted drivers license (I have had it for over 3 years now!)
15. I have lived my whole life in Christchurch
16. I have never cheated in my life (except maybe in card games with my sisters).
17. I never got a detention in my life.
18. I never bunked school.
19. My family is very close, and so is my extended family (they almost all live in Chch, and I flat with my two wonderful cousins Kirsty and Andrew)
20. I LOVE cornflakes.
21. I also love porridge.
22. I could eat breakfast foods all day.
23. I try to go to the gym every morning, in reality I end up going about three mornings a week.
24. I own 4 guitars (I play piano and guitar).
25. I didn't get my ears pierced until I turned 22.
26. 2005 has been the best year of my life.
27. When I was 15 my penfriend in Ghana proposed to me (I turned him down).
28. I can waterski on one ski but I can't wake board (yet!).
29. I still count my high school friends amongst my best friends and I'm in contact with almost all of them (6 years on!)
30. Every morning I watch the Wild Thornberries because I love it.
31. I love dressing up.
32. I love wearing pjs all day.
33. My little sister Amy has a scar on her back from when I pushed her off the bed and she fell onto a stereo.
34. I have no scars.
35. I am addicted to diet coke and trying to cut down.
36. I hate peas! But I don't really mind the taste of them.
37. I also hate apples... I just don't like them!
38. I have never played a game of netball in my life (and don't ever plan to).
39. When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid.
40. I wrote in a diary every single night for about 6 or 7 years.
41. I love the movie Desperado.
42. I try to go to bed around 9.30pm Sunday through Thursday.
43. I hate hidden tracks on albums.
44. I have all the Flying Circus (Monty Python) episodes on DVD.
45. I am the eldest of all my cousins on my Mum's side.
46. The most expensive thing I own is my Ovation Guitar.
47. When I was little I was so scared of burglars that I couldn't close my own curtains after dark.
48. I am getting over a fear of aliens (when I saw Signs I had my eyes closed for most of the movie, and my fingers in my ears).
49. I often love movies that other people think are crap (eg From Hell)
And finally....
50. I have over 17 pairs of shoes
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A certain old cat had made his home in the alley behind Gabe's bar for some time, subsisting on scraps and occasional handouts from the bartender. One evening, emboldened by hunger, the feline attempted to follow Gabe through the back door. Regrettably, only the his body had made it through when Gabe slammed the door, severing the cat's tail at its base. This proved too much for the old creature, who looked sadly at Gabe and expired on the spot.
Gabe put the carcass back out in the alley and went back to business. The mandatory closing time arrived and Gabe was in the process of locking up after the last customers had gone. Approaching the back door he was startled to see an apparition of the old cat mournfully holding its severed tail out, silently pleading for Gabe to put the tail back on its corpse so at it could go on to the kitty afterworld complete. Gabe shook his had sadly and said to the ghost: "I can't. You know the law: I can't retail spirits after 2:00 AM."
Monday, November 12, 2007
Well today was ok. Man it's getting cold here. Last week it felt normal temp this week freezing! Though admittedly it hasn't even frozen a little bit yet. Work was good. Lunchtime went out for run and got cold arms, but my fingers were warm. Julia who I was running with sensibly had a long sleeved top on and her arms were warm but she had cold fingers. I got a headache from being cold though I think. It was only 4 degrees despite being a perfect blue sky and sunny! Oh well.
I've had a lovely chatty evening tonight. I called my Gran in Christchurch and talked to her, and then my Dad, and talked to Susannah in Holland! Finally! We'd been meaning to meet up on Skype but kept missing each other, mostly because I'd forget to sign on at home.
In other news my scarf that I'm knitting is going well though I'd hoped it would be finished by now and it's not. It will be soon though... and the best thing about scarves... no sewing up once the knitting part is done!
Tomorrow is Tuesday and I think we're going to a trip at work to a yard. That is exciting. I love going to yards and seeing all the wagons and locos and stuff like that. Isn't that strange? I'm a weirdo. But I guess you get so immersed in them and learn so much about them writing software for them... that when you get to see these things in real life it's actually exciting.
Ok well that's a pretty decent post considering I almost forgot to write it.
Oh and congratulations to Jeremy and Charlotte who got engaged in the weekend, so happy for you guys.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Ridiculous British Laws
These have been circulating round offices etc here but may not have quite made it to NZ yet... I'm fixing that! The percentages are I think a vote for which was the most ridiculous!
Most ridiculous British law:
1. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (27 percent)
2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down (seven percent)
3. In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (six percent)
4. Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day (five percent)
5. In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter (four percent)
6. A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet (four percent)
7. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen (3.5 percent)
8. It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing (three percent)
9. It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour (three percent)
10. In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow (two percent)
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Good and Bad Day
Also I made my Christmas cake. I unfortunately broke it when taking it out of the pan though. But It's not the end of the world. Instead of being a 8" x 8" cake it's not a 8" x 4" cake which is really much more sensible for two people. Well of course we'll start it on Christmas day when everyone is here but you only really have small pieces of cake anyway. I also managed to salvage a 4" x 4" inch square so I'll ice that up as a separate mini cake. And Darren and I ate the rest of it today, and it was delicious! I kinda want to make another one, but there's really only so much fruit cake one household needs.
Possibly what made me so down today was watching the final 3 episodes of season 3 Grey's Anatomy. It took me SO long to watch that season but I've finally seen them all now, months and month after the rest of the world. It was very sad, tears galore.
Then to burn off some of the fruit cake I walked to the outlet shops and finished my Christmas shopping that's going to be posted. I got tons of good stuff I think, hopefully people will like it!
Lots of love
Friday, November 09, 2007
I have a little bit of lunchtime left after the gym so I'm blogging now.
Fridays are always quiet here at work, just me and Chris at our set of desks. And no chocolate today either (we get a lot of chocolate at work here, people hand it out for any occasion at all, possibly because there is a Cadbury Factory outlet across the road). Had a great session at the gym today - we were doing sparring with boxing gloves, so fun! I've never done anything like that before I'm going to see if Darren will have a go with me in the weekend too now.
It has suddenly got very cold here. The temperature isn't too bad, just 2 degrees but it's the wind chill that gets you. It really feels a lot colder than Christchurch. I'm loving the big winter jacket I bought in Melbourne, I don't leave the house without it now.
So cake day tomorrow. I found a mistake in the recipe, the instructions called for the butter and sugar to be creamed, but there was no mention of butter in the ingredients list. Luckily I used my noggin and found the exact same recipe on the internet (who would have though the recipe that my Mum made in 1985 and kindly typed up for me a couple of weeks ago is sitting there on the internet) so now I know how much butter to use. 8oz if you're interested. Or 226g. I am going to need to go buy butter, though I forgot to get a lemon too so I need to go out anyway. A trip to the market tomorrow might be on the cards!
I love the market here. The food section is great! Really good interesting stuff, amazing cheeses and sausages etc. And then the non-food section, just stalls and stalls of crap. I love it! You can buy anything, and cheap! Actually all I've bought so far from the market is my little pepper plant I got last weekend with Lara, but I might buy something tomorrow, if I find things for Christmas presents.
Well I'm in a talkative mood and could probably think of more things to say and bore you with but I really should get back to work now.
Love to all,
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Windy here!
Well again another ordinary day though it was very windy here! Way windier than I can remember in Christchurch.
I don't have much news. I guess I can write about our upcoming plans. This weekend I'm going to make my Christmas cake. It'll be my first one, and I have to do it since I'm not going to be at home and I still want nice homemade Christmassy stuff. It's going to be great I've already got most of the ingredients, it's going to be real fruity too!
Then the next thing coming up is a trip to Rome! Darren and I are going for three nights in December... still got a lot of planning to do for that trip but we've got a bit of time. Then two days after that Sarah and I are going for a girls weekend to Budapest to celebrate her birthday.
Then my next plan is to see Claire when she comes over! She's thinking about coming over for Christmas, that'll be SO cool! I can't wait to see her. Also she'll be able to bring over some marmite for me and some tomato sauce for Darren! Then hopefully Sarah and Andrew will come up and we'll all have Christmas together.
Right then we'll say goodbye to Claire which will be sad but then we're going to Dublin for a weekend yay!
Ok those are my plans.
Hope you are good!
ps Rach and Greg arrive soon, can't wait to see them!
Windy here!
Well again another ordinary day though it was very windy here! Way windier than I can remember in Christchurch.
I don't have much news. I guess I can write about our upcoming plans. This weekend I'm going to make my Christmas cake. It'll be my first one, and I have to do it since I'm not going to be at home and I still want nice homemade Christmassy stuff. It's going to be great I've already got most of the ingredients, it's going to be real fruity too!
Then the next thing coming up is a trip to Rome! Darren and I are going for three nights in December... still got a lot of planning to do for that trip but we've got a bit of time. Then two days after that Sarah and I are going for a girls weekend to Budapest to celebrate her birthday.
Then my next plan is to see Claire when she comes over! She's thinking about coming over for Christmas, that'll be SO cool! I can't wait to see her. Also she'll be able to bring over some marmite for me and some tomato sauce for Darren! Then hopefully Sarah and Andrew will come up and we'll all have Christmas together.
Right then we'll say goodbye to Claire which will be sad but then we're going to Dublin for a weekend yay!
Ok those are my plans.
Hope you are good!
ps Rach and Greg arrive soon, can't wait to see them!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Interesting Thing
Today was just another ordinary day at work. Here's how my ordinary day goes (this will help all you people who have ambitions to stalk me). I got up at 7.25am which is actually 5 minutes later than normal because I uncharacteristically pushed snooze. Though Kirsty rang me up at about 7.22 so it didn't matter. Then I ate made breakfast, made lunch, ate breakfast while watching Everybody loves Raymond, then out the door at 8am. Walk to work and realised it was pretty chilly and I'll soon need a scarf. So I'll have to knit one because a scarf is a silly thing to buy if you love knitting!
Got to work and said hello to Marian and Ann and then did some work. Today I uncharacteristically didn't go to the gym or run at lunchtime (that's the first time in weeks!). Come to think of it today wasn't an ordinary day it was a lazy day! What with all the snoozing and not running. Then I had my ham sandwiches and pear for lunch, then did some more work. Then at 5.08 I walked home.
Walking home it was dark and also chilly.
I am really going to need to think of something better to write tomorrow.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Bye Lara!
Well it's Guy Fawkes today there's been lots of Fire Works since 5pm. It was really cool driving back from the airport watching them all on the horizon. We didn't get any but it doesn't matter we just need to stand out on the balcony to see some!
I bought a wee pepper plant in the weekend. Our house looks so much better for just having one wee plant in it! It just didn't look like a home before now it does :) I want one for my desk at work too, I'll have to keep my eyes out for one.
Lots of love
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Bra Shopping
Also we went to the Hare and Tortoise for dinner tonight to get typical English pub fare. It was very good, I like it there, you definitely get your money's worth (though converting the cost of the meal was $150NZD hehe - converting the cost of eating out is always depressing!). Tomorrow afternoon Lara goes back :( Just me and Darren again. But this is a public announcement that we do have a Lara approved airbed so people can come visit and be comfy!
Not much other news today sorry. I'm thinking about taking tomorrow afternoon off to spend with Lara before she goes as that would be nice. Oooh and it's guy fawkes tomorrow which is exciting... the one good thing about getting dark at 5pm is you don't have to stay up very late for fireworks to show up well! There's been quite a few last night and even more tonight, and obviously tomorrow will be the big one!
Lots of love to all,
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Guess what Lara is visiting me today and tomorrow and Monday from Norway! This is very exciting :) Today we went and looked at wedding dresses which was very exciting - the dress shops are so cool here. They take you into a little room and just keep bringing in more and more dresses for you to try! It was super fun!
Another thing that happens was I got lost, well not really lost but ended up going a wee bit out of my way! And also I crashed into another car. But it was just a very well crash into the back of someone I was almost stopped but forgot to stop completely. Both our cars were absolutely fine. But still it was a bit dumb of me. I'll be more careful from now on!
Also tonight we made gingerbread men. From scratch this time. So yummy! They turned out really well. We just cut out all kinds of shapes and then Darren, Lara and I iced them. Pictures to come.
Tomorrow I'm not sure what we'll do. Going to York is a possibility. Also going for a drive in the country. We will decide on the day!
Lots of love to all and good luck to my mum for her triathlon, which actually she's already finished probably as it's now noon NZ time! Well I hope she's finished.
Friday, November 02, 2007
300 Workout
Secondly just for Adam! An explanation of how to do it!
Pullups: These are self explanation enough. Grip the bar with your palms facing away from you and use as wide a grip as you can. Because we're in a gym amd we're weak girls we do them on a machine which means we don't lift out whole body weight. (That's called assisted pullups)
Deadlifts: Get a bar with weights either side. Squat down pick up the bar, stand up straight, then bend down again to put it down. Important to get the right technique here, so check out the diagram I poached. You should be using your quads not your back to do the lifting.

Pushups: Just pushups (I do girly ones)
24 inch box jumps: Find a box that is 24 inches tall, jump onto it with both feet together, then jump off it again. That is 1 rep. Easy!
Floor wipers: Get a bar with weights either end. Lie on the floor on your back. Head resting on the mat. Hold the weight directly above you with both arms. Now raise yours legs straight together to one side, bring them down to the floor then up to the other side.

Single-arm Clean-and-Press: Grab a dumbell, put it on the floor by your right leg, bend your knees pick up the dumbell with your right arm, stand straight, then lift it up to your shoulder, then raise it above your head then back down again. Then do 25 reps then do your left arm. Just like the clean and press weight lifters do in the Olympics but only one arm at a time!
Then do some more pullups! These totally kill me. I managed to do 15 then 10 then 5 then 3 then 2!
That's it! Easy! If you want further explanations I'm sure all these exercises can be found on the internet... no excuses!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
The Darkness
I don't know if I've mentioned it before but the people at work here are really nice. Almost straight after I started a group of women who go running and to the gym together invited me to join them, and I've been doing something with them almost everyday since. Coinciding with my starting here was also the start of a new trainer at the gym (this is our work gym), Mark, who is really good. Because it's such a small gym it's like having a personal trainer, and you can also book 1 2 1 sessions with him anyway. He's been making us do some really cool workouts, working way harder than I ever would by myself. Today we did this: 300 Workout It is really good. The first time we did it it was SO hard and I was sore for days after, but this time it did seem a bit easier! It's the workout some of the actors did to get in shape for The 300, and it also involves 300 reps! Here's what we did if you can't be bothered following the link:
a) Pullups - 25 reps
b) Deadlifts - 50 reps
c) Pushups - 50 reps
d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps
e) Floor wipers - 50 reps
f) Single-arm Clean-and-Press with Kettlebell - 50 reps
g) Pullups - 25 reps
The Challenge is to do it as fast as you can, for us though the challenge is just to do it stopping as fewer times as you can, such hard work!
Everyone go try it!